The first five-year plan for the construction industry in Dongguan is here! Anchoring the goal of "100 billion industry + modern construction"


The Dongguan Municipal Government issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Construction Industry in Dongguan", which is the first five-year plan for the development of the construction industry in Dongguan, which is of great significance.

What is the development status of Dongguan's construction industry? What are the development orientation and goals for the next five years? What key work will be carried out?

Industrial base: Average annual growth rate of 24.3% for 5 consecutive years

The economies of scale are rapidly improving. In 2020, the total output value of the city's construction industry was 66.448 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.7%, and an average annual increase of 24.3% from 2016 to 2020.

The effect of industrial agglomeration is prominent. In 2020, the total number of qualified construction enterprises in the city will reach 3,001, covering multiple industries and the entire chain.

The pace of building industrialization and greening is accelerating. A total of about 31 million square meters of green buildings are in the forefront of the province, and they have won the first three-star operation mark for green renovation of existing buildings in the country.

The brand support ability has been continuously enhanced. It has won 1 China Construction Engineering Luban Award, 4 National Quality Engineering Awards, 1 China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Award, and 11 National Construction Engineering Project Construction Safety Production Standardization Sites.

The development environment continued to be optimized. The online approval rate for housing construction matters reached 96.6%. The approval time for government investment projects is reduced to 53 days, and the approval time for social investment projects is reduced to 43 days, which is a further reduction of 47% and 28% compared with the target proposed by Guangdong Province.

The scope of the market continues to expand. From 2016 to 2020, the completed output value of the construction market outside the province increased by 26.4% annually.

Development Goal: Realize the Vision of "100 Billion Industry, Modern Construction"

By 2025, a major breakthrough will be made in the supply-side structural reform of the construction industry, and the entire construction industry chain will be basically built. The number of leading and backbone enterprises has continued to increase, the supporting role of scientific and technological innovation has continued to increase, and the market environment of the construction industry has been continuously optimized, basically achieving the goal of "hundred-billion industry, modern construction".

Main tasks: 8 major measures to promote higher-quality development of the construction industry

Dongguan proposed to implement 8 major measures to promote the higher quality development of the construction industry.

Strengthen the entire construction industry chain and improve the level of industrial development. It includes 5 key tasks: strengthening the advantageous construction industry, strengthening the construction technology service industry, promoting the upstream and downstream extension of the industrial chain, developing the characteristic intelligent construction industry system, and cultivating new forms of Dongguan characteristic construction.

Vigorously cultivate industrial bases and develop construction industry clusters. It includes five key tasks: accelerating the agglomeration and development of the construction industry, cultivating the headquarters base of construction enterprises, cultivating new building materials industry clusters, and establishing intelligent construction industrial parks.

Internal strength and external introduction work together to enhance the competitive advantage of enterprises. It includes 5 key tasks: cultivating leading and backbone enterprises in construction, supporting enterprises to integrate and optimize their business, attracting a group of high-quality enterprises, promoting enterprises to upgrade their qualifications, and supporting the development of small and medium-sized construction enterprises.

Public construction projects lead and promote the industrialization of new buildings. It includes 5 key tasks: giving play to the demonstration role of public construction projects, accelerating the promotion of green buildings, promoting the development of prefabricated buildings, accelerating the promotion of intelligent construction, and optimizing and improving the form of construction organization.

Build a construction technology platform to improve industrial innovation capabilities. It includes 5 key tasks: support enterprises to promote and apply new construction technologies, establish a construction technology innovation platform, build an industrial Internet in the construction industry, develop the Internet of Things in the construction industry, and strengthen the construction of mid-to-high-end talent teams.

Improve the construction quality of Dongguan and innovate the quality and safety system. It includes 5 key tasks: enhancing the ability of high-quality architectural design, improving the technical standard system for engineering construction, establishing an incentive mechanism for creating high-quality engineering, promoting the improvement of engineering quality and safety, and innovating the engineering quality and safety supervision system.

Expand the local core market and actively expand the space in the Bay Area. It includes 4 key tasks: vigorously support enterprises to deepen the local market, improve the supply standards of the city's construction market, actively expand the market space in the Greater Bay Area, and encourage enterprises to "go global" to explore external markets.

Deepen the reform of the system and mechanism, and optimize the development environment of the industry. It includes 6 key tasks: deepening the reform of delegating power, delegating regulation and service, deepening the reform of the bidding system, improving the construction of the industry credit system, deepening the reform of project cost, improving the management information platform, and strengthening industry self-discipline and innovative development.

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