The renovation of old urban communities in Shandong Province achieved a "good start" in the first quarter


Since the beginning of this year, the housing and urban-rural construction system of Shandong Province has conscientiously implemented the higher-level deployment. In accordance with the requirements of the province's 2022 work mobilization conference, focusing on the goal of "enhancing innovation and striving to move forward", overcoming the adverse impact of the epidemic, and highlighting the requirements of "early, fast, and solid", the renovation of old communities has been rapidly advanced, and the first season has achieved a "good start".

A number of urban old community renovation projects in the province have been selected as various typical cases in the country. The renovation of the old community in Jinan was selected as the list of incentive objects proposed by the State Council. Seven projects including Wangguanzhuang Community, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Taoyuan Community, Juxian County, Rizhao City, and Taiping Street Community, Chengguan Street, Weifang City, were selected as the old community renovation project cases of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "I Do Practical Things for the People" practice activity. The Zibo Workers' Cultural Palace project was selected as a demonstration case for the construction of facilities in urban residential communities by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; the  renovation project of Zhuganxiang Area in Jining City and the renovation project of Xinli Street Area in Jiaozhou City, Qingdao City have been identified by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as contact points for the renovation of old communities. As of the end of March, all projects have been approved, and the project approval rate has increased by 0.8 percentage points compared with the same period last year; 443 projects and 149,400 households have been started, and the operating rate has reached 22.3%, an increase of 12.3 percentage points compared with the same period last year.

In the next step, the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and project construction. Based on the current new requirements for epidemic prevention and control, combined with the actual situation of the renovation project, adjust measures to local conditions, and speed up the project construction progress while ensuring the safety of the project site and personnel. Combined with urban renewal, complete residential community construction and green community creation actions, overall planning and integrated promotion. Implement the new requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, adhere to the "ten" bottom line, solve the "ten problems", and truly implement the positioning of the old community reconstruction projects and development projects.

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