In 2021, Dezhou City, Shandong Province will add 11.53 million square meters of green buildings


On April 7, the Information Office of Dezhou Municipal Government held a press conference. The meeting invited Li Xiyan, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Lin Xinhe, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group, a first-level investigator and spokesperson of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau. Dong Boju, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, introduced the work of the Dezhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau in the aspect of "strengthening the quality of urban functions" and answered questions from reporters.

Urban living environment continues to improve

First, vigorously promote the construction of urban construction projects. 90 urban construction projects have been resumed in the central urban area, with an investment of 11.75 billion yuan. Yuehu Park and other projects have been completed and put into use. The urban quality improvement project on both sides of the Chahe River in Decheng District has won the title of 2021 Provincial Support Area. The second is to vigorously promote the construction of urban infrastructure. Comprehensively carry out "two clearings and one standard improvement", and formulate the "Overall Implementation Plan for the Improvement of Rain and Sewage Diversion in the Central City". The city has built a new urban sewage pipe network of 76.4 kilometers and built a sponge city of 20.46 square kilometers. Six sewage plants in Dezhou took the lead in reaching the 2025 upgrade and renovation target required by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. The third is to vigorously promote the protection of historical and cultural blocks and historical buildings. The city has identified and announced 114 historical buildings, including 1 provincial historical building, 13 municipal historical buildings, and 100 county historical buildings.

The living environment of the people is constantly improving

First, the housing security of the masses has been effectively improved. The city's shantytown renovation started 9,514 units, 18,683 units were basically completed, and 2,051 urban housing rental subsidies were issued. A number of completion and delivery task indicators ranked first in the province. Second, the housing conditions of the masses have been effectively improved. It was successfully approved as a pilot city for the renovation of old communities in the province in 2021. In 2021, Dezhou City will start the renovation of 269 old communities, with 22,500 households to be renovated, and public facilities such as community roads, greening, rain and sewage diversion, water supply, heating and gas supply. Continuous improvement. Third, the level of property services has been effectively improved. Continue to carry out the special action of centralized rectification of the property industry, highlight the leading role of red property, the city's professional property service coverage rate is 74.8%, and the property service enterprise party organization coverage rate reaches 87.9%.

The green environment of housing construction continues to improve

One is to actively carry out actions to create green buildings. 11.53 million square meters of new green buildings and 2.5431 million square meters of new prefabricated buildings have been built in the city. One project has passed the national green building label assessment, and two projects have been rated as "Excellent Service Cases of Intelligent Buildings" by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The second is to continue to strengthen construction site dust control. Fully implement the "six measures" for dust prevention and control, link dust violations with corporate credit evaluation, make every effort to improve the air quality in Dezhou, and increase the number of "Dezhou Blue" days. The third is to accelerate the construction of pilot cities for clean heating. Signed a gas supply contract for the heating season of 579 million cubic meters, a year-on-year increase of 30%. A total of 3.8063 million square meters of new clean heating area in the city (county) was completed, with a completion rate of 121.8%. Dezhou City passed the final performance evaluation of clean heating pilot cities organized by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China with "excellent" results.

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