The Construction Bureau of Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province carried out a special inspection of prefabricated building projects


In order to implement the "Notice on Printing and Distributing Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of Green Buildings and Building Industrialization in Pinghu City" (Pingzheng Ban Fa [2018] No. 119) and other documents, to ensure that prefabricated building projects are implemented in strict accordance with policy requirements. To ensure the construction quality of prefabricated concrete building construction projects, and further promote the development of prefabricated buildings in Pinghu City, recently, the Pinghu City Construction Bureau conducted a special inspection on the implementation of prefabricated building projects in Pinghu City.

The inspection was carried out by random inspection of on-site engineering entities, data review, etc., and a total of 37 prefabricated projects were inspected.

1► Physical quality of incoming prefabricated components

Focus on checking the setting of grouting sleeves of vertical components such as wall columns and reinforcing bars in the connection area.

2►Construction quality of prefabricated structure engineering

Focus on checking the quality of the grouting connection of the steel sleeve and the specification, quantity, location and length of the longitudinal connecting steel.

3►Prefabricated construction related information

Carry out the preparation and review of the implementation of grouting orders and glue orders and special construction plans.

4► Performance of structural entities and prefabricated components

Supervise and spot check on structural entities (concrete strength, thickness of steel protective layer), grouting compactness of steel sleeves, grouting materials and prefabricated components.

In the next step, the main structure and completion stage evaluation system will be implemented in accordance with the "Notice of Pinghu Construction Bureau on Further Strengthening the Quality and Safety Management of Prefabricated Construction Projects in Our City (Trial)" (Pingjianguan [2022] No. 2) . Firmly hold the main responsibilities of all parties involved in the construction, implement the traceability management of the whole process of "production-transportation-quality inspection-construction", strengthen process supervision and completion acceptance, and further improve the construction quality level of prefabricated buildings in Pinghu City.

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