12 Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration Projects Added in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province



On March 31, the Nanjing Municipal Construction Committee announced that 12 projects in Nanjing were listed in the newly announced Jiangsu Province Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration List. Up to now, 66 projects in Nanjing have successfully applied for Jiangsu provincial-level construction industry modernization demonstration.

The 12 selected projects are divided into four types: prefabricated building demonstration project, BIM technology application demonstration project, new building industrialization innovation base, and demonstration base.

Among them, the prefabricated building demonstration project showcases new technologies and technologies in the construction of high-assembly-rate buildings; the BIM technology application demonstration project emphasizes the use of BIM technology for information transmission and sharing in the entire life cycle of the project. New construction industrialization innovation bases and demonstration bases are encouraged to be more systematic, lean and informatized in the design and construction process.

Prefabricated building demonstration project: high assembly rate leads the high-quality development of building industrialization

The Southern New Town National Fitness Center is one of the representative projects shortlisted for the demonstration project of prefabricated buildings. The project adopts prefabricated technology, with a prefabricated assembly rate of 63.1%, a high degree of industrialization, and a two-star comprehensive assessment rating. The building part adopts green and environmentally friendly steel components, and the number of on-site cast-in-place nodes is reduced, the installation speed is faster, and the construction quality is more guaranteed.

The project assembles the complex part of the stands that are constructed on site to improve the building quality and construction efficiency. During the project design, the standardization degree of the prefabricated stands should be improved. The finished prefabricated panels have smooth surface, good decorative effect, fast production and construction speed, and can be used in large-scale mass production in stadiums.

BIM technology application demonstration project: "design-production-construction" prefabricated components traceability management

The new construction of Nanjing South Railway Station Hongyun School has a total construction area of about 5.1 square meters, which is an assembled monolithic frame structure. The project department set up a BIM working group, built the basic model according to the high standard of "Nanjing City Prefabricated Building Information Model Collaborative Application Standard", and applied the BIM model to improve the collaborative design ability between various disciplines.

The project closely integrates BIM technology with prefabricated buildings, conducts full life cycle management of architectural engineering design, production, transportation, and assembly, and forms an integrated prefabricated component tracking of "design-production-construction". At the same time, actively explore the application of details such as component deepening design, electromechanical collision, and 4D construction simulation.

New-type building industrialization innovation base: systematic design, lean production, information development

In recent years, Nanjing Huizhu Information Technology Research Institute has introduced a large number of high-level professional and technical personnel and held hundreds of enterprise BIM trainings. Continue to develop and promote smart construction, smart operation and maintenance technology, and building safety and disaster reduction technology to meet the needs of quality control, project progress and investment control at different stages.

Accelerate the cultivation of construction industry modernization demonstration bases combining production, learning, research and use, actively organize BIM technology and academic exchange activities, strengthen the integration and application of BIM information technology in prefabricated buildings, and provide technical support for industrial development and industry progress.

The modernization of the construction industry is a new construction method to achieve sustainable development of construction products. The construction industry modernization demonstration project explores and summarizes the development experience that can be replicated and promoted, and provides strong typical guidance and industrial support.

It is understood that Nanjing, as the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities, will focus on the integrated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization in the future, encourage and guide the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and promote the improvement of the development level of the construction industry.

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