Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province identified 11 green building materials pilots to promote prefabricated construction methods


In order to better save energy, Chancheng District, Foshan City vigorously promotes green buildings and prefabricated construction methods. At present, the Chancheng District Housing and Water Conservancy Bureau has identified 11 pilot projects for green building materials.

On March 30, the reporter visited the Foshan Vanke Jinyu Peninsula project to learn about the promotion of green buildings. Foshan Vanke Jinyu Peninsula is one of the first green building materials pilot projects in the city. The project includes green design, green construction and green building materials. According to Sun Xiaoxun, head of technology and industrialization management of the Development and Construction Department of Foshan Vanke Enterprise Co., Ltd., the project is designed according to the standard of one-star green building, and will be more energy-efficient and livable than ordinary projects.

Foshan Vanke Golden Mile Peninsula is one of the first green building materials pilot projects in the city.

As early as May 2021, Chancheng adopted the spirit of documents such as the "Foshan City Green Building Materials Pilot Project Application Green Building Materials Technical Guidelines" and "Foshan City Promotion of Green Building Materials to Promote Building Quality Pilot Work Implementation Plan". Strengthen the supervision of building energy conservation and green buildings throughout the region, promote the standardized implementation of green building materials pilot projects, and promote the popularization and application of prefabricated buildings.

This action has achieved remarkable results. The green building area of Chancheng District will continue to increase in 2021, and the task target of green buildings accounting for more than 70% of new civil buildings will be completed. The number of star-rated green buildings has also continued to increase, and the proportion of green buildings constructed in accordance with one-star and above standards accounts for more than 35% of new civil buildings.

At the same time, the proportion of prefabricated construction methods in Chancheng District has steadily increased. According to the requirements of relevant documents, the Chancheng District Housing and Water Resources Bureau actively communicated with the natural resources department, and clearly required developers to use prefabricated buildings with a calculated floor area ratio of not less than 50% in the land transfer documents. And submitted the "Commitment Letter of Prefabricated Buildings to the Bureau of Housing and Water Resources" to accept random inspection and supervision at any time. At the same time, developers can enjoy relevant support policies accordingly. In 2021, the area of newly added prefabricated buildings in the district will account for more than 25%.

At present, the Chancheng District Housing and Water Resources Bureau has identified 11 green building materials pilot projects (9 under construction and 2 to be built). It strictly requires pilot projects to improve relevant materials, establish a pre-event, in-process, and post-event supervision and inspection system for products entering the catalog, and arrange to organize the supervision and inspection of building materials products in the catalog.

The relevant person in charge of the Chancheng District Housing and Water Conservancy Bureau said that in 2022, the bureau will strive to promote green buildings to account for 80% of the new urban civil buildings, and the newly started area of prefabricated buildings to account for more than 28% of the newly started area of the district.


Green building materials: refers to building materials that can reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the impact on the ecological environment in the whole life cycle, and have the characteristics of "energy saving, emission reduction, safety, convenience and recyclability".

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