Inner Mongolia: Junming Livable Assembly Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Center Settled in Ulan Qab


On September 19, the groundbreaking ceremony of Junming Livable Assembly Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Center and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Assembly Development Summit was held in Ulan Qab.

Assembly type refers to the transfer of a large amount of on-site work in the traditional construction method to the factory, where the components and accessories used in the building are processed in the factory, transported to the construction site, and assembled and installed on-site through a reliable connection method. Assembled intelligent manufacturing makes all factory processing and manufacturing intelligent and mechanized. The project will build an Industry 4.0 intelligent production line around assembly-type new technologies and new materials, meet the national assembly building standards, and cover the needs of integrated construction and full decoration projects within a 300 km radius. The total investment of the project is 560 million yuan.

It is reported that the Autonomous Region Prefabricated Development Summit was held in the afternoon, and five companies including Junming Yiju and Chayouqianqi Agricultural Investment Company signed strategic cooperation agreements.

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