Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province held a forum for entrepreneurs in building materials and prefabricated industry chains and a preparatory meeting for the alliance



On March 30, Xiangxi Prefecture held an online symposium and alliance preparatory meeting for entrepreneurs in the building materials and prefabricated industry chain, and prepared to establish the Xiangxi Prefecture Building Materials and Prefabricated Industry Alliance to seek the development of building materials and prefabricated industrial chains. The conference adopted the method of "online + offline", and invited 59 companies related to building materials and prefabricated industries in the state to participate in the conference. Peng Zhengrong, member of the party group and deputy director of the State Housing and Construction Bureau (State Civil Defense Office), and Liu Dong, chief engineer of the State Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the Building Energy Conservation Section of the State Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau made a speech on the construction of the state's building materials and prefabricated building industry chain and the current main work. Representatives of 7 industrial chain enterprises made speeches on the resumption of work and production, the production situation in the first quarter and the establishment of the industrial chain alliance, and voted on the council members of the state building materials and prefabricated industrial chain alliance.

Liu Dong said that enterprises on the chain should increase policy research efforts, join technological transformation efforts, actively join alliances, develop together for warmth and development, unify their thinking and understanding, and jointly maintain and promote the development of the industrial chain. The chain office should establish and improve the system and mechanism as soon as possible. Combined with the actual situation in western Hunan, the development path will be clarified, the investment promotion will be increased, and a number of key projects will be implemented.

Peng Zhengrong introduced that after the establishment of the alliance, the party committee and government formulated major policies that are conducive to the development of the industry, and enhanced the competitiveness of the alliance members to be a good adviser. Committed to the effective integration of building materials and prefabricated construction industry chain resources, the establishment of an information sharing platform and a networked industrialization innovation linkage mechanism. Promote resource sharing, mutual benefit, collaborative cooperation among alliance members, promote innovation, win-win and common prosperity, and promote the sustainable development of the entire industry.

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