Changsha, Hunan: Intelligent construction of "joint fleet" set sail, striving to reach 200 billion yuan in output value within 3 years


Build a house on a factory assembly line like a car

Changsha City leads the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry with intelligent construction and construction industrialization, and strives to achieve an output value of 200 billion yuan within three years

Intelligence is profoundly changing our lives. With the integration of artificial intelligence, robots, 5G, new materials and other technologies with the construction industry, the era of intelligent construction is also coming.

The Changsha City Symposium on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization was held a few days ago. At present, the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization in Changsha has begun to take shape. Taking the prefabricated construction industry as an example, in 2021, the new construction area of the city's construction using prefabricated technology will be 11.906 million square meters, accounting for 35.2% of the total newly started construction area, achieving the goal of "double over 1000" with an output value exceeding 100 billion and an area exceeding 10 million, and is at the forefront of China.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Changsha Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Changsha City will promote companies such as Broad Housing, Sany Construction, China Machinery International, and China Construction Fifth Bureau to become leading enterprises in the links of "intelligent production", "equipment manufacturing", "digital design" and "intelligent construction". Lead and drive many small and medium-sized enterprises to transform and upgrade to intelligent construction; set up a group of "aircraft carrier" teams composed of leading enterprises with EMPC production capacity, and organize a group of "joint fleets" with coordinated development of intelligent construction to go out of Changsha and Hunan. Form an industrial cluster-type development, and strive to achieve an output value of 200 billion yuan within 3 years and 300 billion yuan within 5 years.

Technological innovation: building "new forces" to accelerate the rise

15 days, if the traditional construction method is used, only enough for a high-rise building to be built to 4 floors. But within 15 days, Yuanda Rubik's Cube delivered 46 products and 70 modules on the "first table in Asia" - Bamian Mountain in Xiangxi, which is over 1,314 meters above sea level.

Since 1996, BROAD Residential Engineering has embarked on a construction industrialization exploration in Changsha. After 26 years of development, it has a product system of 8 generations of prefabricated buildings, a national leading information system, more than 200 million square meters of accumulated experience in construction industrialization projects, and a strategic factory layout covering China.

In 2021, Yuanda Kejian, a subsidiary of Yuanda Technology Group, successfully developed the "living building" of stainless steel factory buildings. The columns and beams of the living building are made of stainless steel profiles, and the floor slabs are made of Yuanda's original "stainless steel core plate", and the whole building does not need any concrete. "The structure, walls, windows, electromechanical and decoration of the living building are 100% factory-made, and the quality is as good as that of a luxury car." According to Li Shun, general manager of Yuanda Living Building Company, the living building modules can be shipped to all parts of the world at low cost according to the size of the container. After on-site installation, the width of the module reaches 4.8 meters, which meets the traditional building size requirements. The installation project is extremely simple and convenient, and at least 3 floors are installed a day.

"Factory building is the development direction of the future construction industry. In the future, building should be manufactured on a factory assembly line like a car, so that the quality of the building is more guaranteed." Li Shun said that factory building has become a business card in Hunan. Yuanda Kejian has built and put into operation 3 automatic production lines for stainless steel core boards, with an annual production capacity of 2.4 million square meters of core boards, and has signed orders for 300,000 square meters of living building projects.

Transformation and upgrading: the construction industry is moving towards industrialization, digitization and intelligence

The "new forces" of intelligent construction and construction industrialization are developing vigorously, and traditional construction enterprises are also accelerating their industrialization, digitalization, and intelligent transformation and upgrading.

As one of the central enterprises in the long-term construction, China Construction Fifth Bureau has been ranked among the "China Construction Top Three" and "Hunan Top Three" for many years, and has been ranked second among the top 100 enterprises in Hunan Province. "We established the Construction Industrialization Division in 2019, and are committed to becoming a new type of construction industrialization full-professional and full-industry-chain service provider." Liu Dong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the China Construction Fifth Bureau, introduced that in the future, the new construction industrialization must be the coordinated development of all majors and the entire industry chain, and it is also one of the important paths for the transformation and upgrading of construction enterprises.

"China Construction Xihaosi", "China Construction Unique Equipment", "Photovoltaic Curtain Wall"... At present, China Construction Fifth Bureau has formed the construction advantages of multiple professional sectors including residential office, steel structure, prefabricated electromechanical and so on. "It is planned to develop the new construction industrialization business into a 10 billion revenue segment of the five bureaus in 5 to 10 years." Liu Dong said.

As a private construction enterprise with a history of 57 years, Hunan Dongfanghong Construction Group is the first pilot enterprise to develop and promote the application of the intelligent construction platform and green construction of the whole industrial chain of prefabricated buildings in the whole province. "Dongfanghong has launched an intelligent construction platform, which fully realizes BIM integrated design and factory intelligent manufacturing throughout the entire life cycle of the project. The entire construction process information management and intelligent operation and maintenance have opened up the whole process information management of the entire industrial chain of prefabricated buildings. " said Zheng Zhihong, general manager of Dongfanghong Group.

Leading the future: building an "aircraft carrier" for the entire industry chain of intelligent construction

In recent years, the construction industry in Changsha has continued to develop rapidly. In 2021, the total output value of Changsha's construction industry will reach 682.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%, and maintain a growth rate of more than 10% for five consecutive years.

At present, Changsha's construction industry is walking in a new era of innovation and development with intelligent construction technology as the construction method, digitalization to promote comprehensive transformation, and green development to achieve sustainable development, especially in the field of prefabricated buildings. Changsha has successively become a national demonstration city of prefabricated buildings and a pilot city of steel structure prefabricated houses. According to the data provided by the Urban Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, the city has cultivated 13 national-level prefabricated demonstration bases. There are more than 400 upstream and downstream backbone enterprises in the entire industry chain, and more than 170 prefabricated manufacturing bases have been deployed across the country, covering 22 provinces and 150 cities, becoming a new "business card" for Changsha.

Qiu Ze, chairman of Changsha Juxing Lightweight Building Materials Co., Ltd., proposed that enterprises should take "scientific and technological innovation" as their core competitiveness and seize the leading position in the industry with the concepts of "innovative industrialization, industrial patentization, and patent standardization". Through the establishment of a prefabricated industrial resource sharing platform, the healthy development and in-depth promotion of the industry will be promoted. Zeng Dunwei, executive president of Hunan Xinzheng New Materials Group, proposed that the staged pressure of the development of the fabricated aluminum mold industry should be turned into a driving force for progress, and the largest aluminum mold recycling base in the country should be invested. Promote the sustainable development of the aluminum industry and make greater contributions to the prefabricated construction industry.

On the other hand, Changsha was approved as a national pilot city for new urban infrastructure construction in 2021, and is actively promoting the pilot project of new urban infrastructure construction projects based on digitalization, networking and intelligence. Through the application of BIM, actively play a leading role in the new infrastructure. A large number of intelligent manufacturing bases have formed leading enterprises in the construction manufacturing industry through resource integration, forming an intelligent manufacturing industry "aircraft carrier" with a closed industrial chain of design, production, construction, and operation and maintenance.

At the beginning of this year, Changsha issued the "Vigorously Implementing the "Strong Provincial Capital" Strategy to Promote Industrial Development "Thousand Hundreds and Ten" Project Implementation Plans. It is clearly stated that in the field of construction industry, it is necessary to build a 100 billion-level industry, cultivate 4 10-billion-level enterprises, and implement 10 billion-level projects. Promote the intelligentization of construction industrialization, optimize the industrial chain structure of prefabricated buildings, and build Changsha into a highland for the domestic and international export of "equipment, talents, production capacity, technology, and standards" of prefabricated buildings.

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