In Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, the proportion of newly constructed prefabricated buildings in 2022 will not be less than 35%


Recently, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province issued the "Key Points of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in Ganzhou City in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Key Points of Work"), which clearly stated that the city's new green buildings will account for 95% in 2022.

The main points of the work point out that around the construction of a national model city of prefabricated buildings, vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. It is ensured that in 2022, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city's newly started projects will not be less than 35%, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated steel structure residential buildings will not be less than 10%. Strengthen the integration of building energy conservation and green building supervision, and solidly promote the development of green buildings. In 2022, the city's newly started green buildings will account for 95%, and the newly completed green buildings will account for 65%. Consolidate the main responsibility of the construction unit, steadily promote the standardization of project quality, strengthen the management of the construction of fully furnished and finished residences, and continuously improve the quality of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects.

The main points of the work also emphasized that it is necessary to improve the design and construction level of farm houses. Increase the promotion of prefabricated steel (light steel) rural housing construction, train 5,000 individual craftsmen within the year, effectively strengthen the quality management of rural housing construction, and ensure the safety and quality of rural housing from the source.

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