Henan Province will start construction of 15.44 million square meters of prefabricated buildings in 2021, and this year's requirement will account for 25%

Author:ID: cnpbiw


At the 2022 Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference held by the Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, it was learned that in the past year, Henan Province has accelerated the transformation and development of the construction industry, completing a construction industry output value of 1.4 trillion yuan. It increased by 8.1% year-on-year, and the total amount ranked 8th in the country and 2nd in the central region. In 2021, the housing system in Henan Province will be gradually improved. The province has completed real estate development investment of 787.4 billion yuan, newly started housing area of 136.53 million square meters, commercial housing sales area of 132.77 million square meters, and sales of 865.77 billion yuan. The province has newly started 123,500 shantytowns and resettlement houses, 208,400 units have been basically completed, and 24,500 households have been granted rental subsidies, all of which have exceeded the annual target. Strive for 2.475 billion yuan in central subsidy funds.


In supporting business development. In-depth implementation of "ten thousand people helping ten thousand enterprises", encouraging the development of general contracting of projects, and promoting the replacement of cash guarantees by letters of guarantee of 16.3 billion yuan. Zhengzhou City has improved the incentive policy for supporting construction enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and introduced a number of central enterprises and special private enterprises to settle in.

In the development of intelligent construction and green construction. 4 cases were selected as the intelligent construction new technology and new product innovation service cases of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. 15.44 million square meters of newly started prefabricated buildings in storage. Zhengzhou, Luoyang, and Xinxiang improved their policy systems and promoted the large-scale development of prefabricated buildings and green buildings.

In promoting building energy conservation and consumption reduction. 112 million square meters of new energy-saving buildings, 100% implementation rate of energy-saving mandatory standards, 77.14 million square meters of green buildings, accounting for 69%. Five ultra-low energy consumption building demonstration projects were cultivated, and six clean heating pilot cities carried out energy-saving renovation of existing buildings of 2.45 million square meters. Xuchang City successfully applied for the national clean heating pilot city.

In strengthening scientific and technological leadership and standardization construction. Cultivated the provincial carbon neutral and smart building engineering research center in the field of construction, supported enterprises to establish scientific and technological innovation consortia, and won 1 second prize and 3 third prizes of the provincial scientific and technological progress award. Set up 6 professional standardization technical committees, carry out standard review, and complete national mandatory engineering construction specification training.

"The housing and construction system is the main force in building a modern Henan, and urban-rural housing construction is the largest domestic consumer market. Henan Province is in a period of rapid urbanization." Zhao Gengchen, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out in the report of the 2022 Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Work Conference. In terms of work ideas and key tasks in 2022, Zhao Gengchen asked to focus on eight aspects of work, including promoting the transformation and development of the construction industry, making it better and stronger, and improving the quality and efficiency of development:


One is to support the development and growth of enterprises. Cooperate with relevant departments to set up Henan Construction Engineering Group to build an aircraft carrier in the construction industry. Support cities and counties with better basic conditions to form large enterprise groups through mixed-ownership reform, alliances, mergers, etc. Cities and counties with weak support conditions will make up for their shortcomings through cultivation, introduction, and mixed-ownership reform, and cultivate a group of enterprises with comprehensive capabilities of independent project general contracting. Give full play to traditional advantages such as waterproofing and anti-corrosion, and vigorously cultivate "specialized, special and new" enterprises.

The second is to promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization. With industrialized thinking, break through the blocking points and breakpoints of the industrial chain such as design, production, construction, operation and maintenance. Carry out pilot projects for smart construction of cities and projects, and select trees to promote smart construction cases. Relying on key enterprises, build the entire industrial chain of PC components and steel structures, and establish an industrial Internet alliance. Trial implementation of BIM application and approval for major construction projects. Expand the production and application scale of prefabricated buildings, jointly carry out special supervision, ensure that the support policies are effective, and strive to reach 25% of the area of newly started prefabricated buildings.

The third is to prosper design creation. Combined with the construction and design of Henan, support qualified survey and design enterprises to go public for financing and apply for comprehensive Grade A. Vigorously promote the whole process of consultation. Encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to be specialized and refined, and support qualified enterprises to improve quality and increase items. By inviting in and going out, vigorously introduce and cultivate talents, cultivate design masters, and carry out design competitions. Improve the informatization level of survey and design, and realize digital delivery of design drawings, digital review by drawing review agencies, and digital push of review documents.

The fourth is to promote scientific and technological innovation and standardization construction. Carry out scientific research public relations around the application of CIM platform, green building, intelligent construction, etc., cultivate scientific and technological innovation platforms, establish scientific and technological achievements database, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and industrial incubation, and standardize the management of scientific and technological projects. Further sort out and review the current local standards for project construction, promote the standard system (revision), strengthen implementation supervision, and help build standards in Henan.

Fifth, cultivate the construction industry workers team. Promote the construction of “everyone holds certificates and skills in Henan” in the housing construction industry, completes 80,000 person-time training and certification, implements the standards for the provision of skilled workers on construction sites, strengthens real-name management, and cultivates the “Henan Construction Engineering” human resources brand.

The sixth is to improve the supervision level of the construction market. Strengthen the construction of informatization, realize online monitoring of key information, crack down on all kinds of violations of laws and regulations, improve the credit supervision system, and ensure the application of credit evaluation results. Continue to promote project payment guarantee and construction process settlement, and prevent arrears of project payment from the source. Revise the method of bidding and evaluation of the bill of quantities so that enterprises with outstanding credit can gain a reasonable advantage in the bidding process.

On the construction of high-quality green buildings. Zhao Gengchen made it clear in the report that the "Henan Province Green Building Regulations" will be implemented on March 1, and new civil buildings in urban planning areas must be constructed in accordance with green building standards. Large-scale public buildings and government offices, other public buildings invested and constructed by state-owned funds, and residential quarters with a construction area of more than 100,000 square meters shall be constructed in accordance with one-star or above green building standards. Cultivate 1-3 demonstration projects of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Promote green building materials, and explore the establishment of an application database for green building materials. Implement green construction demonstration projects to create actions.

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