Shantou, Guangdong: Accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings and promote the modernization of the construction industry

Author:ID: stzwfb


In order to accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings, promote the modernization and industrial transformation and upgrading of Shantou's construction industry, and achieve high-quality development of the construction industry, recently, the executive meeting of the Shantou Municipal Government reviewed and approved the "Notice on Further Implementing the Implementation Plan for the Vigorous Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Shantou City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which was issued and implemented by the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in the form of a departmental normative document. .

The development of prefabricated buildings is a major change in construction methods, which is conducive to saving resources and energy, reducing construction pollution, and improving labor productivity and quality and safety. It is conducive to promoting the formation of a complete industrial chain in the construction industry, and promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization. In recent years, the country, province and city have successively issued a series of policy documents to accelerate the industrialization of new buildings and vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. The "Notice" issued this time is an important measure to strengthen the promotion of the modernization, transformation and upgrading of the construction industry around the requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government's "industry-based city, industrial-strength city" work deployment requirements.

The "Notice" clarifies the division of responsibilities of relevant functional departments, and the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau performs the functions of the office of the leading coordination group for the promotion of prefabricated buildings in the city. Strengthen the design, construction drawing review, construction permit and construction quality and safety management of prefabricated building projects, and do not go through the completion filing for projects that do not meet the acceptance standards. The Municipal Development and Reform Bureau will review the relevant content of the project application report or feasibility study report on the implementation of the requirements for prefabricated buildings at the stage of project establishment, and incorporate the requirements for the implementation of prefabricated buildings into the project approval content. The Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources cooperates with the housing and urban-rural development department to formulate annual plans and goals and tasks for prefabricated buildings, and provide regional planning opinions. Implement the relevant requirements of prefabricated buildings into the land supply plan, land use planning and design conditions, land auction announcement, land transfer contract or allocation decision, construction land planning permission, construction project planning permission and other links.

The "Notice" clarifies that all projects using prefabricated construction in the city must meet the requirements of the "Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings" (DBJ/T15-163-2019). The "Notice" also clarifies that public buildings, industrial buildings, and affordable housing for government-invested projects that have not obtained project approval or filing documents since the date of implementation should be prefabricated when they reach a certain construction scale. Road traffic, municipal engineering, public facilities, urban integrated pipe gallery and other projects should follow the principle of "doing everything that can be done", and some or all of the construction content should adopt the prefabricated construction method. The social investment project planning is classified according to the total construction area, and on the basis of the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Shantou's Vigorously Develop Prefabricated Buildings", it is temporarily promoted according to the principle of 30% and 20% of the prefabricated buildings. Encourage other housing and municipal engineering projects to adopt prefabricated construction technology.

The "Notice" also mentions that for qualified new prefabricated building projects, the implementation of floor area ratio incentives; when applying for commercial housing pre-sale licenses, within the scope of laws and regulations, you can enjoy policies that are lower than those of traditional construction projects. Priority will be given to engineering excellence and evaluation; credit support will be given priority to consumers who have purchased prefabricated construction projects, and the loan amount, loan term and loan interest rate will be favored. If the housing provident fund loan is used to purchase commercial housing that has been identified as a prefabricated building, the provident fund loan amount can be appropriately increased.

The "Notice" also supports the "Guidelines for the Supervision and Management of Prefabricated Building Projects in Shantou" and "Guidelines for the Application of Prefabricated Buildings in Shantou" to further refine the work process.

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