Hebei Province strengthens technology and standard support to vigorously develop high-quality buildings



Recently, the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Key Points of Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Work in the Province in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as "Key Points"), proposing that this year Hebei Province will be led by green, low-carbon and high-quality development, vigorously develop high-quality buildings, focus on improving building energy efficiency, strengthen construction technology and standard support, and promote building energy conservation and technology work to a higher level and achieve practical results. 

The "Key Points" makes it clear that this year the province will start new passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings with an area of 1.76 million square meters, green buildings will account for more than 92% of new urban buildings, and prefabricated buildings will account for more than 26% of new urban buildings. The province has compiled 20 local standards for the construction of high-quality public welfare projects, and completed more than 20 high-level scientific research achievements and 20 demonstration projects.

Mainly focus on three key tasks:

Promote green and low-carbon development of buildings

Vigorously develop passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Implement support policies such as project planning, land use guarantee, incentive measures, and talent support. Government-invested or government-invested public buildings such as offices, schools, hospitals, etc., are given priority to construct passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Implement the closed management of the whole construction process and the key supervision of key links. Carry out publicity and implementation of series standards for passive ultra-low energy buildings, and strengthen technical training for industry practitioners.

Improve the quality of green buildings. Implement the "Hebei Province Regulations on Promoting the Development of Green Buildings", implement the special plan for green buildings in the region, and promote the construction of star-rated green buildings, and the proportion of star-rated green buildings in new green buildings will reach more than 20%. Strengthen the management of green building labels, and organize the identification and granting of labels. Support the construction of "Green Building Development Demonstration Zone" in Xiongan New Area. Do a good job in summarizing and evaluating actions to create green buildings in an all-round way.

Improve building energy efficiency. Implement the General Specification for Building Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Utilization, and raise the energy conservation standard for urban public buildings from 65% to 72%. Promoting the application of renewable energy such as solar energy and geothermal energy in buildings according to local conditions. Strengthen the overall planning of work, and promote the energy-saving renovation of existing civil buildings in an orderly manner.

Vigorously implement construction technology innovation

Focus on urban renewal and quality improvement, urban safety and disaster prevention and mitigation, intelligent construction and new building industrialization, green and low-carbon development in urban and rural construction, new urban infrastructure construction, and beautiful and livable rural construction. Through the organization and implementation mode of "technology + engineering", the promotion and application of 10 new technologies in the construction industry of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will be carried out, and construction technology demonstrations such as green and low-carbon, quality improvement and intelligent technology application will be carried out.

Focus on researching and formulating ultra-low energy consumption buildings, affordable rental housing, quality and safety, underground parking facilities, water-saving design standards for civil buildings, etc., and continue to promote the formulation and implementation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development standards. Establish a provincial housing and urban-rural construction industry informatization expert database to provide technical support for the development of industry informatization. Accelerate the construction of the CIM basic platform for urban information models, and study and formulate provincial CIM construction plans.

Promote the development of prefabricated buildings and the recycling of construction waste

All localities formulate annual development plans for the industrialization of new buildings, increase the construction of prefabricated building projects, and increase the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings. Consolidate the foundation for industrial development and cultivate 3-4 provincial prefabricated construction industry bases. Revise the "Evaluation Standard for Prefabricated Buildings". Formulate "Hebei Province Promoting Construction Waste Recycling and Utilization Work Plan" and "Hebei Province Construction Waste Recycling Products Catalog", and increase the promotion and application of construction waste recycling products. Compile the "Technical Regulations for the Application of Construction Waste Recycled Products", revise the "Hebei Province Construction Waste Resource Utilization Technical Guidelines", and strengthen technical guidance. Do a good job in the construction of construction waste recycling projects.

Compile the "Hebei Province Promotion, Restriction and Prohibition of the Use of Construction Engineering Materials and Equipment Product Catalog (2022 Edition)" to promote energy-saving, environmentally friendly, high-quality new green building materials and advanced equipment. Improve the record platform for the use of construction materials and equipment in Hebei Province, and realize statistical analysis of construction material application information and information collection of building materials enterprises.

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