In 2025, new urban buildings in Heilongjiang Province will be fully constructed as green buildings


The reporter recently learned from the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development that in recent years, Heilongjiang Province has actively promoted green buildings, star-rated green buildings have been increasing, and the proportion of new green buildings in new buildings has increased from 9% in 2016 to more than 70% in 2021. The area of new green buildings has increased significantly. As of the end of 2021, Heilongjiang Province has promoted a total of 82.97 million square meters of green buildings. By the end of 2025, new urban buildings in Heilongjiang Province will be fully constructed as green buildings.

This year, Heilongjiang Province will fully implement the "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan", strengthen work supervision, decompose and issue the annual green building planning goals of each city at the beginning of the year, conduct quarterly supervision and half-yearly report, and urge all localities to speed up the work progress. Establish a project management system for the whole process of construction engineering from planning, design, construction, acceptance, and identification. Improve technical standards and issue a series of standards such as "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Evaluation Standards", "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Construction Drawing Review Points", "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Acceptance Standards" and "Heilongjiang Province Green Construction Regulations for Construction Projects". Guide the high-quality development of green buildings, and issue the "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Label Management Measures" to improve the efficiency of label identification and promote the continuous increase of star-rated green buildings.

It is reported that since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the promotion of green buildings in Heilongjiang Province has made breakthroughs. The "Heilongjiang Province Green Building Action Implementation Plan" has been revised and released, which has improved the promotion goals and expanded the scope of mandatory implementation of green buildings. Various cities have issued specific promotion plans for green buildings. Participated in the revision of the "Heilongjiang Province Energy Conservation Regulations", which for the first time included the development of green buildings into the regulations of Heilongjiang Province. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Heilongjiang Province will accelerate the large-scale development of green buildings. 100% of the public buildings, affordable housing and various shantytown renovation projects invested by local governments should implement green building standards, and commercial real estate development projects are gradually required to build high-quality green buildings. Strengthen the whole-process management of green building design, drawing review, construction, supervision, testing, acceptance, and operation.

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