Six departments carry out green building materials to the countryside in 2022


In order to speed up the production, certification, promotion and application of green building materials, promote green consumption, and help the construction of beautiful villages. Six departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will jointly carry out a green building materials to the countryside activity with the theme of "Green Building Materials Entering Ten Thousand Homes and Creating a Better Life" from March to December 2022.

The six departments have made it clear that in accordance with the principle of "departmental guidance, market leadership, and pilots first", about 5 pilot areas will be selected to carry out activities in 2022. Interested regions can apply to the guidance department.

In principle, the products participating in the activity should be products that have obtained green building materials certification in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on Accelerating the Promotion of Green Building Materials Product Certification and Production Application" and "Green Product Evaluation Standard List and Certification Catalog (First Batch)". The specific certified product list and enterprise directory will be released separately by the Green Building Materials Product Certification Technical Committee for reference in pilot areas. Pilot areas can formulate local lists based on actual conditions. For products that have not obtained green building materials product certification, pilot areas should clarify product technical requirements to ensure that products meet the requirements. For products that meet the certification conditions, all regions should speed up the certification activities.

After the start-up meeting is held in the pilot areas, the cities, districts (counties), townships (towns) and villages should be settled, and different forms of online and offline activities such as public welfare presentations, special sessions, and tour exhibitions should be held. Accelerate the promotion and application of green building materials that are energy-saving, low-carbon, safe, and cost-effective. At the same time, green building materials production enterprises, e-commerce platforms, and shopping malls should be guided to actively participate in the activities. Encourage qualified regions to give appropriate subsidies or loan discounts to the consumption of green building materials. Encourage enterprises, e-commerce, stores, etc. to benefit the people and promote green consumption. It is necessary to do a good job of summarizing the activities, and submit the summaries to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the National Rural Development Bureau before the end of November.

The six departments required to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen departmental coordination, strengthen the guidance and supervision of the relevant units of the activities, strengthen the protection of human and financial resources, mobilize enterprises to actively participate in the activities, and ensure the smooth development of various activities and achieve effective results. Resolutely implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their detailed implementation rules, and insist on running activities frugally.

At the same time, ensure safety. Strictly abide by local epidemic prevention and control requirements, formulate activity plans, safety plans and emergency plans for epidemic prevention and control work, refine measures, assign responsibilities to people, and implement them in place to strictly prevent accidents.

Pay attention to the guidance of public opinion, increase the popularization of green building materials, strengthen the publicity and guidance of the whole process of activities, and create a good public opinion environment for the promotion and application of green building materials.

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