Quanzhou City, Fujian Province intends to issue a notice to accelerate the development of new building industrialization



In order to accelerate the development of the new building industrialization industry in Quanzhou City and realize the transformation and upgrading of building industrialization, digitization, intelligence and green and low carbon, the Quanzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau plans to issue the "Notice on Accelerating the Development of New Building Industrialization", which has completed the stage of soliciting opinions.

The "Notice" proposes to increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the area of new buildings. Quanzhou City has determined that from 2022 to 2023, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city will account for 30% of the new civil construction area in that year, and the proportion of one-star prefabricated buildings will strive to reach more than 15%. From 2024 to 2025, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for 40% of the new construction area in that year, of which one-star prefabricated buildings should account for more than 30%.

Increase efforts to promote prefabricated buildings in state-owned investment and financing projects. From 2022, state-owned investment and financing projects with a total construction area of more than 5,000 square meters should take the lead in adopting prefabricated buildings. And promote the prefabricated steel structure system, the prefabrication of vertical stress concrete components, the prefabricated decoration technology, the intelligent construction technology and the application of green building materials. At the same time, the general contracting mode of the project is adopted in principle. Newly built state-owned investment and financing affordable housing and public building projects should fully implement prefabricated full decoration.

Accelerate the promotion of pilot projects for the industrialization of new buildings. Combining the local resource endowment and industrial foundation, carry out pilot projects of new construction industrialization, and promote the implementation of a number of high-quality demonstration projects. Fengze District, Luojiang District, Huian County, and Yongchun County have carried out pilot projects of prefabrication of main vertically stressed concrete components such as prefabricated columns and double-sided superimposed shear walls. There will be no less than 10 new pilot projects in the city from 2022 to 2023, and the number will increase steadily year by year. Counties (cities, districts) should increase the promotion and application of prefabricated steel structure systems and prefabricated decoration technologies. There will be no less than 2 pilot projects from 2022 to 2023, and the number will increase steadily year by year.

Strengthen the pre-approval management of prefabricated buildings. When handling the new assignment of construction land, the natural resource planning department shall set assignment conditions according to the new area ratio of prefabricated buildings and clarify the liability for breach of contract. The development and reform department shall strengthen the review of the relevant content of the implementation of prefabricated buildings in the feasibility study report of state-owned investment and financing projects. In the project construction proposal, the prefabricated building technology is clearly adopted for construction and project contracting mode, and the estimated budget of the prefabricated building is reasonably determined according to the relevant pricing rules of Fujian Province. In the review of the preliminary design scheme of the construction project, the requirements for the use of prefabricated construction technology and the scope of application of the project shall be put forward. When the preliminary design approval of the state-owned investment and financing project is accepted, the relevant requirements of the prefabricated building shall be included in the preliminary design review of the construction project.

Strengthen the management of the construction process of prefabricated buildings. The competent housing construction department should incorporate the construction of prefabricated building projects into quality and safety supervision, focusing on checking whether the construction is carried out according to the qualified construction drawing design documents, and whether the assembly rate requirements specified in the pre-assessment of the pre-assessment of the prefabricated building design stage are implemented. If it is found that the main body responsible for the quality of prefabricated construction projects violates laws, regulations and mandatory standards, and fails to perform legal quality responsibilities and obligations, it shall urge relevant units to make rectifications and investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law. It is necessary to strengthen the verification of the implementation of real estate prefabricated construction projects, and those who submit the "Opinions on the Determination of the Design Stage of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Competent Department of the City with Districts" and the first stage of the acceptance procedures can apply for pre-sale in advance.

Do a good job in closed-loop management of prefabricated building acceptance. After the completion of the project, the competent housing construction department should urge the construction unit to apply for the evaluation of the prefabricated building construction stage in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations. The natural resource planning department shall complete the real estate project and before the planning acceptance verification stage. According to the "Opinions on the Determination of Construction Stages of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Competent Department of the City with Districts" issued by the competent department of housing construction in the city divided into districts, confirm whether the various indicators of the prefabricated building of the project conform to the land transfer contract, planning and design conditions. For all parties responsible for the project who fail to fulfill the requirements of the prefabricated building policy as required, the relevant competent departments at all levels should record the bad behavior and implement credit punishment. Where violations of laws and regulations are involved, the corresponding responsible subjects shall be investigated and punished according to law.

Strengthen target responsibility assessment. Quanzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau is responsible for formulating work goals and annual plans, urging all units to steadily advance various work in accordance with the goals and plans, and implementing annual target responsibility assessments for relevant departments in each region. The people's government of each county (city, district) is the main body responsible for promoting the industrialization of new buildings in their respective administrative regions, and the development of prefabricated buildings should be regarded as an important way to implement dual control of energy consumption. Break down the annual plan according to the objectives and tasks, clarify work responsibilities, implement pilot projects, strengthen the management and control of key indicators, improve the supervision mechanism and performance appraisal methods, and implement the promotion of the development of new construction industrialization.

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