Hunan Province will transform 1,500 old communities this year


By the end of 2022, the province will start the renovation of 1,500 old urban communities; the number of tasks in each region will be determined according to the proportion of the number of communities declared to be included in the central subsidy to support the renovation plan of old urban communities in 2022 to the total number of communities in the province...

A few days ago, Hunan Province released the 2022 implementation plan for the renovation of old communities in key livelihood and practical towns.

The plan is clear, and before the end of June, it will be the preparation stage for the preparation of the plan and the start of construction. The competent departments in charge of renovation of old communities in cities and towns in counties, cities and towns shall organize the formulation of community renovation plans in strict accordance with the requirements and strengthen the review. The competent departments for the renovation of old communities in cities, states, and towns shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, review and check the renovation plans of each community in the region, and implement them only after the review and approval. The community renovation plan shall fully solicit the opinions of residents and publicize it, and report the old community renovation plan as required. All localities should speed up the pre-construction procedures, and strive to complete the bidding procedures before the end of June to meet the construction conditions.

Before the end of December is the implementation stage of the project. All localities should allocate financial funds to the renovation projects in a timely manner, actively introduce social capital, vigorously seek the support of the original property rights units, encourage residents to contribute capital, and raise funds in multiple ways; coordinate the relevant pipeline units to carry out the renovation simultaneously. Guide the construction unit and the construction unit to reasonably arrange the renovation time and construction procedures to ensure that it will not disturb the residents and ensure the quality and safety of the project. All communities should start construction before the end of September to form a physical project quantity, and the renovation information should be simultaneously entered into the renovation management system of old urban communities in Hunan Province.

November to December is the inspection and acceptance stage. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in conjunction with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance, organized an inspection of the construction of the residential areas included in the people's livelihood projects.

The plan also clarifies safeguards for the renovation of old communities. Strengthen organizational security. All levels and departments should strengthen work coordination and improve the working mechanism of "provincial overall planning, city and county implementation, departmental linkage, street community organization, and residents' participation in the whole process". All cities and prefectures should establish a sound responsibility system, clarify the responsibility of special personnel, strengthen the guidance and supervision of counties and urban areas, establish corresponding inspection and assessment systems, and consolidate responsibility level by level.

Strengthen financial support. Central financial subsidy funds, central budget funds and provincial financial subsidy funds are given priority to support and focus on practical projects for people's livelihood. Finance departments and development and reform departments at all levels shall do a good job in the allocation and supervision of central and provincial financial funds and funds within the central budget respectively. Cities, prefectures, counties, and urban areas should increase financial support for communities that are included in the livelihood projects.

Strict project supervision. The competent departments for the renovation of old communities in counties, cities and towns should strengthen the supervision and guidance of construction units, establish community renovation information files in strict accordance with the "one district, one file" method, and enter the information into the system in a timely manner. Clarify the person responsible for information submission, strengthen online and offline supervision, formulate and implement the "dual attendance system" for start-up and completion, and conduct regular project inspections. The competent departments for the renovation of old communities in cities, prefectures and cities should strengthen the guidance and supervision of counties and urban areas, and increase spot checks and fund supervision on project sites. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance, will strengthen online scheduling and quarterly supervision, report fraudulent reports, and supervise areas where information submission is not timely and implementation progress is lagging behind, and copies are sent to the local government.

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