In 2022, Sichuan Province will start new prefabricated buildings of 58 million square meters


On March 14, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development that the department recently issued the "Key Points of Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in the Province in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as "Key Points of Work"). According to the "Key Points of Work", in 2022, Sichuan Province will start construction of 58 million square meters of prefabricated buildings, of which 500,000 square meters of steel structure prefabricated residences will be newly started.

The "Work Points" also made it clear that this year, a batch of A-level prefabricated buildings will be newly started in 6 pilot cities of Chengdu, Guang'an, Leshan, Meishan, Yibin and Xichang. The province has added 10 provincial-level prefabricated construction industry bases. At the same time, this year, Sichuan will evaluate the pilot work of prefabricated buildings and steel structure prefabricated housing construction pilot cities in Chengdu, Mianyang, Guang'an, Yibin, Leshan, Meishan, Ganzi, Liangshan (Xichang), summarize the pilot work, and strive to form a batch of replicable and generalizable experiences.

Promoting the standardization of prefabricated buildings is also an important content. It is understood that this year Sichuan will study and formulate the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Standardization of Prefabricated Buildings", improve the technical standards for the design, production, construction, and acceptance of prefabricated buildings, and promote design standardization, component production standardization, and construction process standardization. At the same time, guide construction units to build prefabricated building projects with the concept of standardization, promote the standardization of residential buildings, hospitals, schools, temporary housing buildings, etc., and further promote the standardization of prefabricated buildings.

In the construction industry, prefabricated buildings are not only an important means for the construction industry to achieve transformation and upgrading, but also an important development path for the construction field to achieve the goal of "carbon reduction"——Just in 2021, Sichuan launched a five-year action to improve the development quality of prefabricated buildings. In the same year, 7 provincial-level prefabricated construction industry bases were added, and 56 million square meters of prefabricated buildings were started.

According to the "Five-Year Action Plan for Improving the Development Quality of Prefabricated Buildings" issued by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in April 2021, by 2025, newly constructed prefabricated buildings in the province will account for 40% of new buildings. The assembly rate of prefabricated buildings shall not be less than 50%, and a batch of green building demonstration projects with high assembly rate of A-level and above shall be built. The industrialization, digitization, and intelligent upgrading of construction are further accelerated, the policy system and industrial system for the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization are basically established, and a group of key prefabricated construction enterprises are promoted.

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