Wuhan City, Hubei Province accelerates the innovative application of digital construction in the construction industry

Author: www.cjn.cn


When the Ezhou Huahu Airport, which is digitally constructed throughout the whole process, is delivered, a digital virtual airport will be delivered simultaneously, providing an important guarantee for the future operation and maintenance of the airport.

On March 10, the reporter learned from the Wuhan Construction Industry Association that the "full digital" delivery of buildings is emerging in the industry. The five consecutive BIM application competitions held in Wuhan this year are expected to be "upgraded" to digital construction + BlM innovation application competitions to enhance the digital transformation capabilities of the entire industry and empower the construction industry with "informatization" wings.

Taking BIM technology as an example, also known as building information simulation technology, 3D modeling based on BIM technology can "build" a virtual building that completely corresponds to the real building. The size and location of screws and rebars inside buildings can be accurately modeled to preserve information. Using this technology can make the on-site construction and review of the project more evidence-based, and facilitate the later operation and maintenance of the project.

The content of digital construction is more abundant, such as digital prefabricated construction factories, construction robots, etc. Various construction companies are also actively developing independent information systems to empower building construction, and improve the information level of the entire industry through the "digitization" of each link. 

The relevant person in charge of Wuhan Construction Industry Association said that this year's competition will cover more aspects, and encourage participating companies to actively carry out informatization applications, seize the opportunity of digital construction, promote the greening, industrialization, and intelligence of the entire industry, and lead the high-quality development of the whole industry.

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