The main structure of the first prefabricated prefabricated bridge in Shanxi Province has entered the stage of rapid construction


On March 10, the Baiyu River No. 1 Bridge of the LJ3 Branch of the Lihuo Expressway (Licheng to Huozhou) of the Second Company of Shanxi Road and Bridge Group added another achievement. It marks that the main structure of the bridge has officially entered the stage of rapid construction, laying a solid foundation for the full development of subsequent construction.

Baiyu River No. 1 Bridge is a joint project of the project department, with a total length of 577 meters, a total of 36 C40 prefabricated cover beams, and 190 prefabricated beams and slabs. The poured cover beam is located on the 18th pier on the right side of the bridge, with a length of 11.8 meters, a width of 2.2 meters and a height of 1.6 meters.

As the first prefabricated bridge in Shanxi Province, Baiyu River No. 1 Bridge is difficult to operate and requires high quality and precision. In order to ensure the high-quality and safe completion of the first cover beam construction, project manager Yang Haifeng went to the construction site many times, organized management personnel to work together to optimize the construction plan, and effectively shorten the installation time of the cover beam reinforcement and formwork. At the same time, the vanguard of the party members of the Baiyuhe No. 1 Bridge arranged the construction plan in reverse, fought day and night with the operators, and made multiple disclosures on construction technology, safety and quality, laying a solid foundation for the smooth pouring of the cover beam. In the end, with the joint efforts of everyone, the first cover beam was successfully poured in 3.5 hours.

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