Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province: Prefabricated buildings enter daily life



Prefabricated buildings are typical representatives of green buildings and the development direction of the real estate industry. According to the news on March 4, "Taiyuan City's "14th Five-Year Plan" Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Plan" clearly stated that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Taiyuan City will make every effort to promote the assembly construction method. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for no less than 30% of the new construction area.

Taiyuan City will gradually establish and improve the technical standard system by applying information technology such as building information model. Encourage qualified enterprises to build a comprehensive demonstration base of prefabricated buildings that integrates scientific research, manufacturing, demonstration and personnel training. Focus on promoting complete sets of parts and technologies with high prefabrication rate, assembly rate and high degree of modernization of the construction industry, and promote the pilot project of steel structure prefabricated houses. Carry out special actions for green buildings, actively promote new technologies, and use new materials. By 2025, new urban buildings will fully meet green building standards. Guide ultra-low energy consumption projects to carry out technological innovation. Before 2022, at least one ultra-low energy consumption building demonstration project will be established in the comprehensive reform demonstration area. On the basis of the completion of the first and second phases of the existing buildings with an area of 20 million square meters, we will take the lead in reconstructing the existing public buildings of state organs, government investment and some government public welfare existing buildings that do not meet the energy-saving standards. Vigorously promote the development of building applications of various renewable energy sources such as solar energy and geothermal energy, promote the energy conservation management of public buildings, and establish a measurable, statistic, and assessable energy conservation supervision system.

At the same time, encourage and support large-scale design and construction enterprises to unite with each other, expand enterprise functions, and guide and support enterprises to form an operation and management model of standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, and information management as soon as possible. Promote the expansion of the construction industry from traditional housing construction to major civil construction fields such as highways, bridges, rail transit, water conservancy, and underground space, and support construction companies to extend to upstream building materials development, design, and downstream operations.

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