Maoming City, Guangdong Province will build a 100 billion-level construction industry cluster!


At the intersection of Baomao Avenue and Huanshi East Road, the Dianbai District Construction Industry Headquarters Base Project led by the Maoming Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government is under construction. After the project is completed, two twin-star landmark buildings will be erected here, which will be integrated into a construction industry headquarters cluster integrating office, business, finance, scientific research, training, smart construction, and cultural tourism.

This is a powerful measure that Maoming is committed to promoting the high-quality development of the construction industry. It is a solid step on the road of creating a high-quality development pilot area for the construction industry in Guangdong Province and building an integrated technology innovation base for the low-carbon construction industry in Guangdong Province.

The construction industry has become a veritable pillar industry, an advantageous industry and an industry that enriches the people in Maoming. In 2021, the city's construction enterprises will exceed 1,000, reaching 1,033, an increase of 295 over 2020, an increase of 40%; the city's total construction industry output value is 122.82 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8%. Completed construction industry tax revenue of 6.69 billion yuan, an increase of 31.9%.

So far, on the basis of the 100-billion-level industrial cluster achieved by the traditional chemical industry and agriculture in Maoming, another 100-billion-level construction industry cluster has been born, which has made positive contributions to Maoming's economic and social development and injected vitality into it.

Leading the development of the construction industry from a high starting point

The Maoming construction industry originated from the establishment of the first Dianbai construction engineering team in the early 1950s. After more than 70 years of development, the construction industry has become an important pillar industry. In 2016, Dianbai District was awarded the "Hometown of Architecture in China" by the China Construction Industry Association, becoming the first district in Guangdong Province to receive this honor.

At present, there are nearly 150,000 construction workers in Maoming's construction industry, forming a market development pattern with the Pearl River Delta as the center and the Yangtze River Delta, Beibu Gulf, Yun, Gui, Qiong and other markets as the focus, and radiating to the whole country. The footprints are all over more than 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, North, Shanghai, etc., and the output value of outbound construction accounts for more than 90% of the total output value of the city's construction industry.

In recent years, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to the development of the construction industry, and organized a symposium for outbound construction enterprises every year. The main leaders of the city regularly visit and investigate construction enterprises to understand the production and operation status of the enterprises and the problems that need to be solved. Improve the support policy for the development of the construction industry. In 2020, the "Several Opinions of the Maoming Municipal People's Government Office on Further Supporting the Construction Industry to Become Bigger and Stronger" was issued. Relevant policies have also been introduced across the city to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry and polish the "Maoming Architecture" brand.

Maoming gave full play to the brand advantage of "Hometown of Construction in China" and supported Dianbai District to create a pioneer area for high-quality development of the construction industry in Guangdong Province. Accelerate the construction of construction industry headquarters bases and green building industrial parks, build a low-carbon construction industry integrated technology innovation base in Guangdong Province, and focus on green building materials, green buildings, and green management. Provide real talent support, do active centralized procurement, do a good job in industry standards and regulations, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the headquarters, and form a construction industry cluster with design, construction, R&D, and service as the core, covering the entire construction process industry chain, and give full play to the economic effect of the headquarters. In addition, support Maonan District and Huazhou City in striving to become the "Hometown of Guangdong Construction", optimize the layout of the city's construction industry, and improve the overall development level of the modernization of the construction industry.

In 2021, Maoming has achieved fruitful results in creating high-quality projects, and won 1 Luban Award for China Construction Engineering and 1 National Quality Engineering Award. Yonghe Construction Group won the China Construction Engineering Luban Award as a participating unit, and Dianbai Construction Group won the National Quality Engineering Award as a contractor. It has won 3 provincial construction engineering quality structure awards, 4 construction engineering quality awards, 3 construction engineering goldsmith awards, and 4 outstanding architectural decoration engineering awards; 22 provincial construction method reviews have been passed. 13 quality awards for construction projects and 15 quality structure awards for construction projects in Maoming were selected.

Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of construction methods

Maoming's construction industry has thoroughly implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, promoted the deep integration of the industry and informatization industrialization, cultivated new industries and new drivers, promoted supply-side structural reforms, achieved quality, growth, and efficiency improvements, and promoted industry transformation and upgrading.

Promote the industrialization of new buildings. Since last year, Maoming has actively promoted the development of prefabricated buildings and promoted the establishment of prefabricated PC component manufacturers. The Mingyang PC Component Factory project in Dianbai Feedback Industrial Park is scheduled to be put into operation in June 2022. The approval procedures for the PC Component Factory in Maonan Industrial Park have been completed and construction is being accelerated. In 2021, the city's newly constructed prefabricated building area will be 766,500 square meters, accounting for 8.3% of the newly built building area; the prefabricated building area of government-invested projects will be 121,200 square meters, accounting for 19.86% of the newly built building area. The development of prefabricated buildings is advancing steadily.

Accelerate the development of green buildings. Maoming earnestly implements the requirements of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promotes the green transformation of existing civil buildings in an orderly manner. In 2021, the newly added civil energy-saving building area in urban areas will be about 8 million square meters, and the new green building area will be about 6.46 million square meters. In addition, Maoming is planning Dianbai and Gaozhou green building industrial parks from a high starting point, in order to attract R&D and production enterprises of prefabricated and new materials to enter the park for operation and development, and build a green building industry construction base with a complete industrial system.

Increase scientific and technological innovation. Maoming encourages construction enterprises to innovate in science and technology, supports construction enterprises to cooperate with universities and research institutes to establish R&D platforms, and promotes key technological breakthroughs in the construction field. At present, the city has established 3 provincial enterprise technology centers, 1 Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center, 2 Maoming Engineering Technology Research Centers, 1 MBA Education and Innovation Base, and 1 high-tech enterprise. In addition, Guangdong Petrochemical Institute established Maoming Engineering Technology Research Center for Green Building Materials and Construction Industrialization, Maoming Vocational and Technical College established Maoming Civil Engineering Technology Research Center and Maoming BIM Technology Research Center. The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Guangdong Academy of Construction Sciences to jointly prepare for the establishment of the Guangdong Provincial Urban and Rural Construction Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center Maoming City Branch Center to further promote and enhance the technological innovation and technology research and development capabilities in the field of construction engineering.

In addition, Maoming has also implemented intelligent construction, implemented a new project organization and management model, and improved the comprehensive quality of survey and design, and achieved gratifying results.

Enhancing the Competitiveness of Construction Enterprises

In recent years, Maoming has continued to increase its support for the construction industry, accelerated the reform and development of the construction industry, and further enhanced the vitality and competitiveness of the construction industry.

Cultivate leading and backbone enterprises. Maoming has formulated a directory of key support enterprises, and regularly contacts and provides service guidance to the enterprises in the directory. The municipal and local governments set up special funds to support the development of the construction industry according to the local financial conditions, and provide incentives or subsidies for the qualification upgrade (additional items) of construction enterprises, project awards, corporate tax payment, and foreign relocation. At present, the city level and Dianbai, Huazhou, Gaozhou and other places have introduced policies and measures to support construction enterprises to become bigger and stronger. There are 3 leading enterprises in the construction industry in the city, namely Dianbai Construction Group, Dianbai Second Construction Group, and Yonghe Construction Group, and 3 enterprises have been listed on the list of "Top 100 Private Enterprises in Guangdong Province in 2020". On the basis of being shortlisted for the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2017 and 2018, Dianbai Construction Group will once again be listed on the list of "Top 500 Private Enterprises in China" in 2020. Dianbai Second Construction Group was awarded the "Vice President Unit of Small and Medium Enterprises Branch of China Construction Industry Association", becoming the only construction enterprise in Guangdong Province to receive this honor.

Strengthen the construction of construction talent team. Maoming encourages school-enterprise cooperation to jointly cultivate high-quality talent teams. At present, Dianbai Construction Group has jointly established talent training bases with Guangdong University of Technology, Zhongkai Agricultural College, Guangzhou HNA College and other universities. Yonghe Construction Group has signed long-term strategic cooperation agreements with South China University of Technology and Guangzhou University respectively. Relying on the talents and scientific research advantages of colleges and universities, Yonghe Construction Group has carried out all-round cooperation in project management, talent training, technology research and development, and technological innovation. Yonghe Construction Group and Maoming Vocational and Technical College jointly established the "Yonghe School of Architecture" to cultivate professional and technical talents suitable for the development of the construction industry according to the needs of the market and enterprises. Accelerate the construction of Dianbai Construction Senior Technical School and build a talent training base for the construction industry. Carry out training, assessment and certification of industrial workers. In 2021, 3,220 person-times of continuing education and business training for special operators, 1,129 person-times of continuing education and training for construction site professionals, and 1,405 person-times of construction site safety management personnel will be assessed. In addition, we will implement the rural revitalization strategy and vigorously cultivate rural construction talents. In 2021, a total of 522 rural construction craftsmen will be trained. Carry out the evaluation of the title of rural craftsman. Improve the evaluation system in line with the development of local talents, promulgate relevant policies, and officially start the evaluation of professional titles of rural craftsmen. In 2021, a total of 576 people in the city will apply for the title of rural craftsman among the rural craftsman professionals and the junior professional title review committee. At the same time, 23 people were entrusted to participate in the evaluation of the Provincial High Evaluation Committee. At present, Maoming is the first prefecture-level city in the province to complete the evaluation of the title of rural craftsman. Implement preferential tax policies for employee education funds. Actively implement the relevant provisions that the part of the employee education expenditure incurred by the enterprise that does not exceed 8% of the total salary and salaries is allowed to be deducted when calculating the taxable income of enterprise income tax, and the excess part is allowed to be carried forward and deducted in subsequent tax years. In 2021, a total of 168 construction enterprises declared 14.1272 million yuan in employee education expenditures in 2020.

In addition, Maoming also actively supports the upgrading of the qualifications of construction enterprises. Last year, a total of 6 construction enterprises were supported to achieve their qualifications from the second level of general contracting to the first level. Support construction enterprises to "go out", guide and support construction enterprises to actively explore foreign markets, and provide good business guarantee services for construction enterprises to undertake projects abroad.

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