The relationship between construction period and quality! The house that was "combined" in the property market of Yibin City, Sichuan Province


Everyone has heard of building blocks, so have you heard of "building" a house?

That's right, the house can now be built like building blocks. This is the uniqueness of "fabricated building", which transports the prefabricated building components in the factory to the construction site for on-site installation.

The reason why this can be done is because whether it is a towering skyscraper, a common residential area, or a two-story building built by oneself, its components are all basic components, such as: columns, beams, floors, stairs, etc. Therefore, after these basic components are made in the factory, they can be pulled down and installed on site.

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In Yibin, which we are familiar with, the prefab has already entered the property market!

Many advantages, prefabricated has become a trend

A large part of the reason why prefabricated buildings can fire is that on the premise of ensuring the quality of the project, it takes into account high efficiency, safety, energy saving and environmental protection. This conforms to the tide of transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

The engineering quality of the building is a top priority for everyone. The components of prefabricated buildings are produced in factories. In the production process, various conditions and elements can be effectively controlled. Compared with the uneven quality of traditional construction personnel, the quality of the former is easier to guarantee.

At the same time, prefabricated buildings also have the characteristics of high efficiency and safety. The components are mass-produced by the factory, and the production cost can be significantly reduced; and the professional installation team assembles each component, which can also effectively reduce potential safety hazards.

For homebuyers, the benefits are also obvious. The construction time is short, the handover time is fast, and the move into the new home is near, and the time cost has been greatly reduced!

The advantages of energy saving, environmental protection and pollution reduction are the key to the recognition of prefabricated buildings. The steel formwork used can be recycled, which saves a lot of scaffolding and formwork operations, and also reduces on-site operations, and can alleviate pollution problems such as noise and dust.

The prefabricated building, which integrates many advantages, has a lot of room for display and application in the future, so it has gradually become a trend in the construction industry.

In September 2016, the relevant meeting of the State Council proposed that it is necessary to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings to promote the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure. At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also stated that the key tasks in 2022 include, "vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings in 2022 will reach more than 25%."

That is to say, prefabricated buildings continue to be officially recognized and blessed, and their development may usher in the spring.

There are already many real estates in the main city that use prefabricated technology! It can be seen that it is not far from you, and it will get closer and closer.

Yibin's "small achievements", some of which have been handed over!

As early as 2020, Yibin became the second batch of prefabricated building model cities. This is the third city in Sichuan to be selected after Chengdu and Guang'an.

It is reported that Yibin has cultivated more than 10 key enterprises in development, design and construction with the ability to implement prefabricated buildings; 4 manufacturers of prefabricated building parts have been built, and some of them are at the forefront of the industry. For example, Renming Residential Worker, which is the national prefabricated construction industry base, is believed to be familiar to many people in the industry.

What about the housing market? In fact, before and after, Yibin is also constantly exploring!

In July 2018, the site of the city center and south city was auctioned, and there was a requirement that "the assembly rate of a single building should not be less than 20%". In August of the same year, the auction of the site of Xuzhou Century City also mentioned "prefabricated buildings: the assembly rate of a single building is not less than 20%". Last year, an on-site observation meeting of prefabricated buildings in Yibin was also held here.

In May last year, the auction of the site of the Shugao Luyuan Academy required that "the assembly rate should reach more than 60%".

Recently, the relevant news of Yibin Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau also showed that it is necessary to "vigorously develop prefabricated buildings and promote the adjustment, transformation and upgrading of the city's construction industry." In view of this: Next, there may be more plots in Yibin that will have requirements for prefabricated buildings, and the property market will usher in new changes.

write at the end

The rise and development of prefabricated buildings conforms to the development of the times, and also fits the opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

It is just to say that prefabricated buildings are also facing some problems that need to be overcome, such as the deep-rooted traditional enterprise operation and management model and the bottleneck of increasing early costs. Only when these problems are really solved, prefabricated buildings may truly become the new dream homes of more Yibin people.

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