In 2021, Hebei Province will complete a construction industry added value of 230.39 billion yuan


It was learned from the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development that in 2021, the housing and construction departments at all levels in Hebei Province will actively respond to the high-opening and low-swinging situation of the construction industry, strengthen the transformation of the results of the epidemic prevention and benefit-for-enterprise policies, improve the industry development policy, and fully focus on and serve the steady growth of the construction industry. In the whole year, the total output value of the construction industry was 648.46 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.0%. The added value of the construction industry was 230.39 billion yuan, accounting for 5.7% of the province's GDP, accounting for more than 5% for five consecutive years, and the status of the pillar industry of the construction industry continued to be consolidated.

In the process of focusing on stable growth in 2021, the improvement of the strength of market players is the main highlight of the development of the construction industry in Hebei province.

Adhere to supporting the excellent and the strong. The Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development helped Beiwang Group Co., Ltd. to successfully upgrade its construction general contracting super-qualification, breaking the ice of "zero pass" for enterprise promotion of super-grade qualifications for many years. A total of 20 enterprises with special qualifications for general construction contracting in Hebei Province have accumulated, and another 10 construction enterprises have successfully been promoted to the first-class qualifications of general construction contracting, and the leading enterprises in the construction industry are growing day by day. Up to now, the total number of construction enterprises in Hebei Province has reached 14,317, an increase of 2,792 compared with 2020. The qualification level, quality and efficiency of construction enterprises have been significantly improved.

Vigorously promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and industrialization. Hebei Province has guided leading construction companies to improve their R&D and application capabilities and made substantial explorations. At present, two new technologies of intelligent construction in Hebei Province have been included in the national list of typical cases of innovative services of new technologies and new products of intelligent construction (the first batch of ). Promote qualified construction enterprises to establish digital centers (laboratories) based on BIM technology. At present, 68 enterprises have built digital centers, and the technical strength and market competitiveness of enterprises have been further enhanced.

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