Xuzhou, Jiangsu: Implement full decoration delivery! By 2025, 50% of prefabricated buildings will be realized



Recently, the Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of a "Waste-Free City" in Xuzhou City.

There are two indicators mentioned:

First, by 2025, green buildings will account for 100% of new buildings

Second, prefabricated buildings account for 50% of new buildings

It is required to vigorously promote green buildings and prefabricated buildings. In 2020, the city's new green building area will be 17.4947 million square meters, and the new prefabricated building area will be 5.68 million square meters. Urban green buildings and prefabricated buildings account for 99.6% and 37% of new buildings respectively. .


Improve green building construction standards, and fully implement green building design for new buildings (green building definition: In the whole life cycle, save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, suitable and efficient use space, and maximize the realization of high-quality buildings that harmoniously coexist between humans and nature). Improve the energy-saving and low-carbon level of buildings, pilot and promote ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and promote the green energy-saving renovation of existing buildings.

Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings (prefabricated buildings: transfer a large number of on-site work in traditional construction methods to factories, and process and manufacture building components and accessories in factories, such as floors, wall panels, stairs, balconies, etc.). It is transported to the construction site and assembled and installed on site through a reliable connection method, which greatly reduces the generation of construction waste. Strengthen the demonstration and leading role of government construction projects in the construction of high-standard prefabricated buildings, focus on affordable housing, policy investment or public construction projects mainly invested by the government, and orderly increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings.

Implement full decoration delivery to reduce the generation of decoration waste at the construction site. By 2025, green buildings will account for 100% of new buildings, and prefabricated buildings will account for 50% of new buildings.


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