Xinjiang plans to start the renovation of 1,273 old communities in 2022


The reporter learned from the housing and urban-rural construction work conference in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region that in 2022, Xinjiang plans to start the renovation of 1,273 old communities, benefiting 203,900 households.

From 2021 to 2025, Xinjiang plans to renovate 5,761 old communities, involving 870,000 households. In 2021, the renovation of 1,714 old urban communities has been completed, benefiting 231,500 households.

Li Hongbin, deputy secretary and director of the Party Group of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, introduced that in 2022, Xinjiang will steadily advance the transformation of old urban communities. It will give priority to old urban communities with a large number of retired workers, a high proportion of elderly people, substandard pension facilities, many problems left over from history, and many contradictions and difficulties. Accelerate the establishment of a mechanism in which renovation funds are shared by the government, residents, and social forces. Coordinate the use of various resources, so that the relevant funds and projects of various departments can form a synergy in the old community. He said that in 2022, Xinjiang will actively promote the installation of elevators in existing residences, and each city will select 1-2 old communities to carry out pilot demonstrations to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the transformation.

In recent years, Xinjiang has actively coordinated and promoted the renovation of old urban communities, improved the working mechanism, and implemented scientific planning and systematic implementation. Established a leading group for the transformation of old urban communities in the autonomous region, and issued the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Transformation of Old Urban Community in the Autonomous Region". Publish and implement standard systems such as the Construction Plan for Reconstruction Projects of Old Urban Districts in the Autonomous Region (2021-2025), and the Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Old Districts Reconstruction Projects in Urban Areas of the Autonomous Region (for Trial Implementation), and establish and improve a community transformation model that is led by the government, autonomous by residents, and coordinated by social forces.

At the same time, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Xinjiang Autonomous Region has strengthened the supervision of the design, construction, supervision and acceptance of old residential areas. Strengthen demonstration and drive, and successfully create a number of demonstration model projects, which provide lessons for reference in the preparation of planning and design of improvement and transformation in various places.

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