Hainan Province strives for prefabricated buildings to account for more than 60% of new buildings this year



It was learned from the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Construction on February 15 that this year, Hainan Province will continue to increase efforts to promote the construction and application of prefabricated buildings, and strive to make prefabricated buildings account for more than 60% of new buildings.

This year, Hainan Province will focus on the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, strengthen the construction market order, maintain the bottom line of quality and safety, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the construction industry. Based on the promotion of high-quality development of prefabricated buildings, the Hainan Provincial Housing and Construction Department will continue to deepen and improve the development policies, standards and pricing basis systems for prefabricated buildings, and compile and issue the "Construction Model for Prefabricated Buildings". Strengthen the production capacity building of prefabricated components and parts, continuously improve product quality, and promote the standardized and intelligent application of products.

In recent years, Hainan Province has accelerated the layout of the prefabricated construction industry and guided prefabricated construction production enterprises to settle in the Jinjingang Prefabricated Construction Industrial Park. At present, 4 enterprises in Jinjingang Prefabricated Construction Industrial Park have been put into operation or partially put into operation, and the total production capacity of prefabricated buildings in the park has reached 96,000 cubic meters per year.

In addition, this year, Hainan Province will continue to carry out green building creation actions, formulate relevant preferential policies, and guide the scientific and large-scale development of high-star green buildings. Carry out the construction of low-carbon (ultra-low energy consumption) demonstration zones and promote the development of low-carbon buildings.

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