In 2021, 7.76 million square meters of prefabricated buildings will be newly started in Shanxi Province


In 2021, the province's newly constructed prefabricated buildings will reach 7.76 million square meters, accounting for 23.26% of the new construction area, successfully completing the annual target tasks. This is what the reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development on February 11.

With the gradual implementation of policies and measures to support the development of prefabricated buildings, the technical standard system has become more complete. The number of enterprises engaged in prefabricated construction in Shanxi Province continues to grow. In 2021, there will be 13 new prefabricated construction-related enterprises in the province, bringing the total to 46. The number of parts and components manufacturers has reached 24, with a production capacity of about 36.8 million square meters, doubling from 2020, and the industrial layout has become more reasonable. At present, 11 cities in the province have prefabricated construction industrial bases, which have achieved full coverage of industrial bases within 100 kilometers, and full coverage of concrete structures, steel structures, and wood structure systems. However, the development of prefabricated buildings in Shanxi Province still has problems such as large differences in the implementation effects of various cities, few civil buildings, and few projects with high assembly rates.

In 2022, Shanxi Province will actively promote the implementation of prefabricated building projects, urge and guide the large-scale public buildings invested by the government to adopt steel structures, carry out pilot projects for steel structure residential buildings, and cultivate residential buildings with high assembly rates. Steadily promote the construction of prefabricated concrete buildings, and at the same time strengthen the quality and safety supervision of prefabricated construction projects under construction. Explore methods such as layered acceptance and itemized acceptance to improve construction efficiency while ensuring construction quality.

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