In 2022, Hebei Province will transform 3,698 old urban communities


In 2022, Hebei Province will transform 3,698 old urban communities to create a living environment with complete facilities, good environment and orderly management for residents. It is planned that before the end of October, the annual urban old community renovation projects will be completed.

This year, the renovation of old urban communities in the province will focus on the following:

Renovate old pipe networks such as water, electricity, gas, and heat to eliminate potential safety hazards and improve the security level of municipal public facilities. At the same time, the transformation of rain and sewage diversion was completed, and the access to the municipal drainage pipe network was standardized.

Promote the construction of parking lots to alleviate the parking difficulties in old residential areas. Promote building energy-saving renovation, and encourage qualified areas to carry out energy-saving renovation of all old residential buildings included in the renovation plan. Renovate the barrier-free facilities in the community to create a safe and convenient living environment for the elderly and the disabled.

Promote the installation of elevators, explore the introduction of social forces to install elevators through "bus elevators", "construction and leasing" and other methods to solve the problems of fund raising and follow-up maintenance. Establish a sustainable elevator installation mechanism guided by the government, funded by enterprises, and paid for by residents.

Renovate overhead lines, relocate overhead lines to land (bundle and comb), and eliminate "spider webs" and "flying lines in the air". Promote the construction of electric bicycle charging sites, introduce power supply for small houses according to local conditions, and solve the problem of difficult charging of electric bicycles.

Improve firefighting facilities, remove obstacles that affect the passage of fire trucks, and unblock firefighting passages. Renovate national fitness facilities and public service facilities such as pensions and meals to create a livable living environment.

The renovation of old urban communities in Hebei Province implements "one community, one plan" or "several adjacent communities, one plan". In order to scientifically and reasonably designate the renovation plan, all localities will build a platform for communication and discussion, conduct extensive grassroots consultations, conduct questionnaire surveys through "online + offline" methods, actively understand residents' demands, fully solicit residents' opinions, and determine community renovation plans based on residents' opinions. By carrying out the selection of excellent urban and old community renovation plans, we will promote planners and architects to enter the community, play the role of professionals, and improve the design level of renovation plans.

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