Jiangxi Province implements a lifelong system of decision-making responsibility for super high-rise buildings



Recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Emergency Management, and the Provincial Fire Rescue Corps jointly issued a notice to strengthen the planning and construction management of super high-rise buildings.

The notice clearly states that building heights must be strictly controlled. Nanchang City strictly restricts the construction of super high-rise buildings above 250 meters, and no new super high-rise buildings above 500 meters are allowed. If it is really necessary to build a super high-rise building above 250 meters, it should be reported to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development after approval by the relevant departments of Nanchang City. Except for Nanchang City, other cities and counties strictly limit the construction of super high-rise buildings over 150 meters, and no new super high-rise buildings over 250 meters are allowed. If it is really necessary to build a super high-rise building above 150 meters, it should be reviewed by the relevant local competent department and reported to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development for review.

Reasonably determine the building layout, deepen and refine the evaluation and demonstration, and strengthen the management of public investment. Strictly control state-owned enterprises and institutions to invest in the construction of super high-rise buildings of more than 250 meters in Nanchang City, and to build super high-rise buildings of more than 150 meters in other cities and counties.

Tighten and consolidate decision-making responsibilities, and implement a life-long system of decision-making responsibility for super high-rise buildings. New super high-rise buildings over 250 meters in Nanchang City, and new super high-rise buildings over 150 meters in other cities and counties should be reported to the city party committee and government as major public construction projects in accordance with the "Interim Regulations on Major Administrative Decision-making Procedures", and the responsibility will be pursued for life.

The notice emphasizes that the competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction at all levels, together with emergency management departments, fire rescue agencies and other relevant departments, must establish a collaborative mechanism for the planning and construction management of super high-rise buildings. All localities should comprehensively investigate potential safety hazards, strengthen the supervision of the rectification of hidden dangers, and implement listing and supervision of major safety hazards; organize and guide the owners of super high-rise buildings or the entrusted management units to conduct safety hazard investigations, analyze safety risks, and establish a ledger. Establish an energy consumption monitoring and management system, conduct regular analysis and evaluation, and optimize operation energy consumption management; formulate operation and maintenance inspection plans for super high-rise buildings, and regularly inspect and evaluate the equipment conditions of super high-rise buildings.

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