Sichuan: By 2025, the total output value of the construction industry will exceed 2 trillion yuan


Specific work tasks in 18 aspects will be implemented by multi-department cooperation

Actively promote the full implementation of green building-related standards for new civil buildings in cities and towns across the province

Strengthening the division of labor and complementation of the construction industry structure in Sichuan and Chongqing

By 2025, the total output value of the province's construction industry will exceed 2 trillion yuan. On February 10, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the department and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Chengdu Branch of the People's Bank of China and other departments jointly issued the "Work Plan for Accelerating the Transformation of the Development Mode of the Construction Industry and Promoting the Construction of a Strong Construction Province" to promote Sichuan from a "big construction province" to a "powerful construction province".

Statistics show that Sichuan is a major province in the construction industry. In 2021, the province will achieve a total output value of 1.73 trillion yuan in the construction industry, ranking fifth in the country and first in the western region, with over 5.5 million employees. However, it still faces practical problems such as the overall level is large but not strong, the number of employees is too large, and the overall enterprise is small and weak. The "Plan" clarifies the development goals of the province's construction industry: By 2025, the total output value of the construction industry in Sichuan Province will exceed 2 trillion yuan, and the total output value of the construction industry completed outside the province will account for more than 25%. Newly started prefabricated buildings account for more than 40% of new buildings, 15 companies with an annual output value of over 10 billion yuan, and 3 companies with an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan.

In order to achieve this goal, the "Plan" proposes to adhere to the principles of market leadership, technological innovation, green development, and quality improvement, and will implement specific tasks in 18 aspects that are completed by multi-department cooperation, including vigorously developing prefabricated buildings, building high-quality green buildings, increasing talent training, and deepening the coordinated development of the Sichuan-Chongqing construction industry.

Among them, the "Plan" clearly proposes to implement the "carbon peak, carbon neutral" action in the construction field. According to the "Plan", Sichuan will actively promote the province's urban new civil buildings to fully implement green building-related standards, promote the large-scale development of green buildings, and the proportion of green buildings in new urban civil buildings will reach 100%. Promote the reduction and resource utilization of construction waste at the source. By 2025, the utilization rate of construction waste in urban areas at the prefecture level and above shall not be lower than 80%, and the utilization rate of construction waste in county-level cities (including county towns) shall not be lower than 60%.

In deepening the coordinated development of the Sichuan-Chongqing construction industry, a series of explorations in mutual recognition and interaction of the industry will be carried out. According to the "Plan", the integrated construction of Sichuan-Chongqing construction market will be accelerated, and the sharing and sharing of credit evaluation in the construction market will be promoted.

Strengthen the division of labor and complementarity in the construction industry structure of the two places, and support the establishment of industrial alliances by honest enterprises and advantageous enterprises from both sides. Carry out pilot projects for the compilation of regional standards in Sichuan and Chongqing, and promote mutual recognition of local standards for engineering construction. Establish a mutual recognition mechanism for the qualifications of practitioners to support and encourage exchanges and interactions of various types of talents.

Deepening the reform of "delegating power, delegating power and providing services" is an important support for promoting the realization of "building a strong province". In this regard, the "Plan" puts forward clear reform goals: We will further promote the reform of the approval system for construction projects, reducing the approval time for general social investment housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects to within 90 working days, and for simple and low-risk social investment projects to within 50 working days. At the same time, steadily implement the notification and commitment system for enterprise qualification examination and approval, accelerate the promotion of electronic examination and approval, and do a good job in delegating the authority of qualification examination and approval.

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