Vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings and accelerate the development and application of construction robots


A few days ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Construction Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Planning" clearly states that by 2035, the development quality and efficiency of the construction industry will be greatly improved, the industrialization of construction will be fully realized, the quality of construction will be significantly improved, the innovation capability of enterprises will be greatly improved, the team of high-quality talents will be fully established, and the overall advantages of the industry will be significantly enhanced. The core competitiveness of "Made in China" is the world leader, and it has entered the ranks of the world's powerhouses in intelligent construction, and comprehensively serves the construction of a powerful modern socialist country.

The "Planning" requires vigorous development of prefabricated buildings. Build a standardized design and production system for prefabricated buildings, promote the intelligent upgrade of production and construction, expand the use of standardized components and parts, and improve the comprehensive benefits of prefabricated buildings. Improve the prefabricated concrete building structure system suitable for different building types, and increase the integrated application of high-performance concrete, high-strength steel bars, energy dissipation and shock absorption, and prestressing technologies. Improve the steel structure building standard system, promote the establishment of a general technical system for steel structure residential buildings, improve the basis for pricing steel structure building projects, and guide the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industrial chains with standardization as the main line. Actively promote the application of prefabricated decoration methods in commercial housing projects, promote pipeline separation and integrated decoration technology, promote integrated modular building parts, and promote the deep integration of prefabricated decoration and prefabricated buildings. Vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings, actively promote the construction of high-quality steel structure housing, and encourage schools, hospitals and other public buildings to give priority to steel structures. Cultivate a batch of prefabricated building production bases.

Strengthen the research on the core technologies of construction robots such as new sensing, intelligent control and optimization, multi-machine collaboration, and human-machine collaboration, study and formulate key technical standards, and form a number of iconic products for construction robots. Actively promote the typical application of construction robots in production, construction, maintenance and other links, and focus on promoting the application of construction robots that are matched with prefabricated buildings to assist and replace "dangerous, complicated, dirty, and heavy" construction operations. Promote intelligent engineering equipment such as intelligent tower cranes and intelligent concrete pumping equipment, and improve the mechanization and intelligence level of engineering construction.

The "Planning" proposes to promote green construction methods. Continue to deepen the pilot work of green construction and extract replicable and popularized experience. Carry out the creation of green construction demonstration projects, improve the intensification level of project construction, and realize refined design and construction. Cultivate green construction innovation centers, and speed up the research and industrial application of key core technologies. Research and establish green construction policies, technologies, and implementation systems, issue green construction technical guidelines and pricing basis, and build a green construction standard system covering the entire process of project construction. Fully implement green construction in government-invested projects and large-scale public buildings. Actively promote the reduction of construction waste on construction sites, promote the efficient treatment and reuse of construction waste, and explore the establishment of a green construction industry chain that integrates research and development, design, production of building materials and parts, construction, and resource recycling.

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