The growth rate of the added value of the construction industry in Yunnan Province is higher than the national average


The Yunnan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently released a message saying that in 2021, the province's housing and urban-rural development departments will actively respond to the trend of high-opening and low-swinging construction industry, and strengthen the transformation of the results of epidemic prevention policies that benefit enterprises. Improve the industry development policy, fully focus on and serve the steady growth of the construction industry. In the whole year, the added value of the construction industry was 304.043 billion yuan, accounting for 11.2% of the province's GDP, an increase of 2.8%, 0.7 percentage points higher than the national average growth rate.

The significant increase in the scale of market entities is one of the highlights of the development of the construction industry in Yunnan Province in 2021. Through the implementation of the multiplication and cultivation plan for the market entities of construction enterprises, we will cultivate and expand construction enterprises, and fully stimulate the vitality of market entities. There were 96,100 construction enterprises registered in the province, a year-on-year increase of 24.3%. The reform of "delegating power, delegating power and serving" in the construction industry has been continuously deepened, and achieved "zero contact", "no face-to-face" and "full online processing" for the 6 categories of construction enterprise qualifications approved by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The competitiveness of enterprises has been continuously enhanced, and the level of qualifications, quality and efficiency have been significantly improved. There were 4,018 construction enterprises with warehousing qualification grades, a year-on-year increase of 10.2%, all exceeding the annual target tasks.

In 2021, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with relevant departments, issued and implemented the Yunnan Provincial Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of Construction Industry Workers in the New Era, providing a strong guarantee for the cultivation of industry talents. The province has a total of 78,000 registered construction engineers and supervision engineers. Efforts were made to solve the problem of arrears of wages to migrant workers, and a special campaign was launched to eliminate wage arrears, and 379 cases of arrears of wages to migrant workers were handled, involving 11,600 migrant workers. The province's construction workers' real-name management and wage agency platform system has been built and put into operation, effectively protecting the rights and interests of migrant workers.

It is understood that in 2022, Yunnan Province will continue to promote the quality, efficiency, transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. Conscientiously implement the multiplication and cultivation plan for the market entities of construction enterprises, enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, increase participation in major projects, and strive to achieve double-digit growth in the total output value of the construction industry throughout the year.

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