More than 30% in 2025! Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province is accelerating the development of prefabricated buildings


With the development of science and technology, prefabricated buildings are becoming more and more popular. In the filing on the government approval platform, we can often see that some real estate companies have begun to partially adopt prefabricated buildings, and the biggest advantages of prefabricated buildings compared with traditional buildings are environmental protection and speed.

Yuncheng City has also issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Yuncheng City", which has new regulations on the target requirements, application scope, assessment and supervision of prefabricated buildings. Come and take a look!

1. Raise awareness

In order to strengthen ecological environment protection and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry, all counties (cities, districts), Yuncheng Development Zone, and all relevant units directly under the municipality should further raise their awareness, intensify their efforts, and take effective measures to accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings.

2. Implement development goals

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the proportion of newly built prefabricated buildings in the city's newly built buildings will increase year by year, reaching 20% by the end of 2021, and will increase by 2.5 percentage points every year thereafter. The five key counties (cities, districts) of Yanhu District, Yongji City, Hejin City, Wenxi County and Ruicheng County and Yuncheng Development Zone will strive to reach 25% by the end of 2021. The city's new prefabricated buildings, in accordance with Shanxi Province's "Assembly Building Evaluation Standards" (DBJ04/T396-2019), the assembly rate of not less than 30%.

3. Define the scope of application

Municipal infrastructure projects such as public buildings, industrial buildings and government-invested public welfare buildings, rail transit, bridges, and integrated pipe corridors adopt the prefabricated construction method. For non-government-invested commercial housing development projects, the proportion of prefabricated building area in the newly built building area will reach more than 20% in 2021, and will increase by 2.5 percentage points every year thereafter.

Concrete structure residential projects must use prefabricated horizontal components, the application ratio is not less than 70%, the non-masonry proportion of non-load-bearing enclosure walls is not less than 80%, and the non-masonry proportion of internal partition walls is not less than 50%. The decoration and equipment pipeline shall be fully decorated in accordance with the spirit of Jinzheng Banfa [2018] No. 82. It is required that the application ratio of integrated kitchen, integrated toilet and dry construction method should not be less than 70%, and the proportion of pipeline separation should not be less than 50%.

Encourage qualified tourist facilities, garden landscapes, characteristic towns and other places to use prefabricated wood structures. Promoting prefabricated houses with wood structures, light steel structures, and concrete structures on a pilot basis in rural areas to improve building quality and living comfort.

4. Accelerate industrial development

Encourage the existing construction industry of all counties (cities, districts) to integrate and optimize industrial resources, cultivate prefabricated construction enterprises, support qualified counties (cities, districts) to develop prefabricated construction enterprises, and accelerate the formation of industrial groups that adapt to the development of prefabricated buildings.

5. Strengthen project management

(1) Implement the "information commitment system", when the construction unit applies for a construction permit, it makes a commitment to the implementation of prefabricated buildings.

(2) When the planning and natural resources department issues the project planning conditions, the prefabricated building construction content shall be included in the planning and design conditions. In the review stage of the planning and design scheme, review whether the design scheme implements the implementation content of the prefabricated building.

(3) The housing construction department strengthens the supervision of prefabricated building projects, implements various requirements for prefabricated buildings, promotes the application of prefabricated building information modeling (BIM) technology, and implements the general contracting model for prefabricated construction projects.

(4) If there is no project built with prefabricated technology due to special reasons, the construction unit submits an application, and the approval service management department and the housing construction department organize experts to conduct demonstrations, and determine whether the project adopts the prefabricated building form according to the experts' opinions.

6. Increase support

Enterprises that sell self-produced new wall materials that meet the conditions of the "Catalogue of New Wall Materials Enjoying the Policy of Immediate Value-Added Tax Refund" shall enjoy the policy of 50% of the value-added tax refund immediately. All kinds of financial institutions should actively open up green channels for qualified enterprises, increase credit support, and improve the level of financial services.

7. Strengthen assessment and supervision

The municipal government regards promoting the development of prefabricated buildings as an important part of the work target responsibility assessment, and assesses the progress of the development of prefabricated buildings in counties (cities, districts) and Yuncheng Development Zone every year.

Summary: At present, prefabricated buildings in Yuncheng City have been applied. The prefabricated buildings in Yuncheng City are the prefabricated building materials used in the office and living area project of Shanxi Construction Industrialization (Jinnan) Park. The assembly rate is as high as 93.6%, which has reached the highest standard of China's green building evaluation system and ranks among the leading domestic levels. It is the benchmark of prefabricated buildings in Yuncheng and an excellent model of prefabricated buildings.

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