In 2020, 1,738,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings will be newly started in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province


Since the beginning of this year, Shijiazhuang City has vigorously promoted the development of green buildings. On September 7, the reporter learned from the Shijiazhuang Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau that 1,738,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings were newly started in the city this year, accounting for 30.92%.

Green building refers to a high-quality building that saves resources, protects the environment, reduces pollution, provides people with healthy, applicable and efficient use of space, and maximizes the harmony and symbiosis of man and nature.

"Government-invested buildings or buildings based on government investment, large public buildings with a building area of more than 20,000 square meters, and residential communities with a building area of more than 100,000 square meters are all constructed in accordance with the two-star or higher green building standards.” According to the relevant person in charge of Shijiazhuang City Housing and Construction Bureau, in order to vigorously promote the development of green buildings, Shijiazhuang City further controls the green building work from the source and incorporates it into the regulatory detailed planning conditions. Projects that do not meet the requirements of the green building level will not pass the completion acceptance.

According to the data provided by Shijiazhuang City Housing and Construction Bureau, at present, the city has completed 4 passive house projects with an area of 29,500 square meters, and 34 passive house projects under construction with an area of 2.11 million square meters. According to the plan, 5 passive house projects will be delivered this year, with a total construction area of 595,300 square meters.

The person in charge said that the layout of the prefabricated construction industry base in Shijiazhuang is relatively reasonable, with a transportation radius covering the entire city, and a complete industrial chain of product research and development, equipment manufacturing, architectural design, and component production has been initially formed. At present, there are 145 prefabricated concrete structure projects under construction in the city, with a total construction area of 6,043,300 square meters. The number and area of prefabricated buildings rank among the top in the province. Up to now, this year, Shijiazhuang City has started construction of 1,738,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings, accounting for 30.92%.

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