Key points of quality assurance for PC engineering construction



There are some key quality links in PC engineering construction, which will affect the quality of the overall structure, so we must pay attention to them.

1) connect the positioning link of the extension bar of the cast-in-place layer of the reinforcement. The inaccurate positioning of the extending connecting steel bars in the cast-in-place layer will directly affect the installation of the sleeves of the upper prefabricated wall panels or columns, and it is very difficult to deal with such problems. Therefore, the positioning steel plate made in advance should be used to locate the reinforcement.

2) hoisting link. The hoisting link is the core process of PC engineering construction. The quality and progress of hoisting will directly affect the quality of main structure and the overall construction progress. PC component hoisting usually requires three adjustments, namely the first adjustment after component hoisting, the second adjustment after reinforcement binding and the third adjustment after formwork reinforcement. Only these three adjustments can ensure that the PC wallboard does not move or deviate after concrete pouring. In addition, it is very important to separate and block the grouting area of the lifting link, and to support the wallboard and laminated board, which should be paid attention to during the construction.

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