The "big data" of the construction industry is released! The total output value of the construction industry in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province last year was 485 billion yuan


The construction industry is Yangzhou's pillar industry and an industry that enriches the people. The reporter recently learned from Yangzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau that in 2021, the total output value of the city's construction industry will reach 485 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6%. Construction enterprises paid 5.63 billion yuan in taxes in Yangzhou, a year-on-year increase of 4%, accounting for 11.1% of the city's total tax revenue; 340 new construction enterprises were added, a year-on-year increase of 40%.

In 2021, Yangzhou's construction industry market development will achieve a new leap forward. The output value of the construction industry outside the city reached 354 billion yuan, accounting for 73% of the total output value. In the domestic market, a total of 14,655 new projects were started, a year-on-year increase of 112. In terms of foreign markets, at present, Yangzhou construction enterprises have a total of 25 projects overseas, with a contract value of 1.95 billion US dollars. Hanjian Group won the bid for the second section of the King Salaman International Integrated Port Facilities Project in Saudi Arabia, with a contract value of nearly 200 million yuan, which is an important part of Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" national reform plan.

Construction industrialization is the direction of the development of the construction industry, and it is also one of the advantages and highlights of the development of the construction industry in Yangzhou. In 2021, construction enterprises in Yangzhou will have newly started prefabricated buildings with an area of 3.81 million square meters, newly started prefabricated decorations with an area of over 500,000 square meters, and trained 1,690 industrialized personnel, exceeding the provincial target. 26 provincial-level construction industry modernization demonstration projects were approved, the most over the years.

In 2021, Yangzhou's construction industry brand building will reach a new height. In terms of qualification upgrade, 40 first-level enterprises and 332 second-level enterprises have been newly promoted. Among the city's 2,839 construction enterprises, 353 are super-class and first-class leading enterprises. In terms of creating excellence and winning medals, the Chinese Library Project of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, undertaken by Jiangdu Construction, won the Overseas Luban Award. Projects such as Sanya Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Zhuhai Longyi Plaza undertaken by Jiangsu Huajian, Jiangsu Tourism College undertaken by Yangjian Group, and Xi'an National Publishing Base Demonstration Area Project undertaken by Jiangdu Construction have won the National Quality Engineering Award.

In addition, Jiangsu Huajian was selected into the "Top 500 Chinese Enterprises" for the first time, and 20 enterprises entered the list of the top 100 construction enterprises in the province.

"In the next step, Yangzhou's construction industry will continue to practice new development concepts, focusing on five key points: enterprise clustering, structural diversification, market exportation, technology modernization, and refined management. Seize the opportunity of a new round of reform and development, overcome difficulties, work hard, and make Yangzhou's construction industry bigger, stronger and better on a higher platform. Make every effort to improve the total scale, quality and efficiency, and brand value of the construction industry, and promote Yangzhou from a ‘big construction city’ to a ‘strong construction city’." said the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau.

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