Heilongjiang Province Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference Held in Harbin City



On the morning of January 5, 2022, the province's housing and urban-rural construction work conference was held in Kazakhstan in the form of video. With the theme of "anchoring new goals, showing new actions, and striving to write a new chapter in housing and urban and rural construction", the meeting comprehensively summarized the work in 2021 and arranged and deployed tasks for 2022.


The meeting pointed out that the province's housing construction system in 2021 will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and under the strong guidance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, focusing on the responsibilities of "political organs, engineering departments, people's livelihood departments, and industrial departments", they have fulfilled their duties and performed their duties, and various key tasks have achieved remarkable results. The development of the industry has clarified new goals, and scientifically formulated and released the "14th Five-Year Plan" urban municipal infrastructure construction and development plan, urban housing development plan and the province's construction industry development plan. Overcoming difficulties and withstood the new test, and resolutely ensured the stability of production during the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. The number of production safety accidents and the number of deaths decreased year-on-year respectively. Quickly respond to the 60-year-old freezing rain weather disaster, make every effort to repair damaged facilities and equipment to ensure the safety of heating, and promptly remove ice and snow on the roads to ensure smooth travel for the people. The functions of the departments showed new achievements, the real estate market developed steadily and healthily, and the total output value of the construction industry achieved positive growth for two consecutive years. New progress has been made in making up for shortcomings in people's livelihood, and continuous efforts have been made to "renovate the three houses". The province's shantytown renovations started 50,900 units, and the renovation of 469,000 old urban communities started. All 13,000 agricultural and dilapidated houses were completed in the same year. Accelerate the implementation of "replacement of three networks", and the renovation of the old heating pipe network, the water supply pipe network in the courtyard, and the drainage pipe network has all exceeded the annual target tasks. Efforts have been made to promote the "build three factories", and all domestic waste incineration, kitchen waste treatment and sewage treatment projects have resumed work. Market-oriented development added new vitality, the project contract management system was officially launched, and the electronic letter of guarantee for project guarantee was implemented. New steps have been taken for high-quality development, and the promotion and application of new construction methods and green buildings has been accelerated. Administrative services were optimized to a new speed, 23 approval items were subject to notification and commitment system, and 8 administrative qualifications were cancelled. The approval time limit for the whole process of construction projects is reduced to less than 85 working days, and simple and low-risk projects can be completed within 15 working days. All 18 provident fund centers have realized 5 "trans-provincial services", and the brand of "providing provident fund services without asking for help" has become more resounding. Strictly governing the party took on a new look, and all the tasks of "I work for the masses" were successfully completed. Heilongjiang Province has become the first province in the northern heating area to raise the standard of residents' winter room temperature from 18°C to 20°C.

The meeting emphasized that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 13th Provincial Party Congress will be held in 2022, and it is of great significance to do a good job in housing and urban and rural construction this year. 

The meeting demanded that it is necessary to continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on housing and urban and rural construction work, focus on the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

First, pay close attention to the implementation of policies and measures to promote the sound development of the industrial economy. Improve the supply structure of "five houses" in cities and towns, promote the healthy and balanced development of commercial housing, long-term rental housing, affordable rental housing, shared property housing, and public rental housing, so as to better meet the housing needs of different groups. Explore new models of real estate development. Improve the competitiveness of construction enterprises. Accelerate the innovation and reform of survey and design units. Promote the development of the platform economy industry.

The second is to implement urban renewal actions to speed up filling the shortcomings of people's livelihood needs. Conscientiously do a good job in the renovation of urban shanty towns, old urban communities and dilapidated agricultural buildings. Speed up the transformation of aging urban pipe network. Promote the construction of complete community facilities. Implement comprehensive renovation of key streets and roads. Improve the quality of residential property services.

The third is to strengthen ecological protection and promote green and low-carbon development in urban and rural areas. Resolutely rectify the problems of environmental protection inspectors, and take the promotion of the rectification of problems reported by the central environmental protection inspectors as an important yardstick for testing loyalty to the party and practicing the "two maintenances". Improve sewage and waste treatment capacity. Strengthen the supervision of sewage and waste discharge. Promote urban energy conservation and consumption reduction actions. Expand the scale of green and low-carbon buildings. Improve the urban fine management system.

The fourth is to deepen the reform of delegating power, delegating power, regulating services, and optimizing the legalized and market-oriented business environment. Promote the reform of the qualification management system for construction engineering enterprises. Improve the convenience of applying for building permits. Optimize water and gas declaration services. Regulate the order of the real estate market and construction market. Accelerate the promotion of legislation in important areas such as the construction market and garbage classification.

The fifth is to shape the style of urban and rural construction and enhance the cultural taste of urban and rural construction. Carry out the design of key urban features, and formulate high-quality plans for the features of border towns and cities. Build urban characteristic functional facilities. Strengthen the protection of historical and cultural buildings, formulate the province's urban and rural construction historical and cultural protection and inheritance system planning. Increase the supply of urban landscaping and strengthen the management of ancient and famous trees. Do a good job in the demonstration construction of Longjiang dwellings.

The sixth is to promote the application of digital technology and strengthen the building of administrative supervision capacity. Promote the construction of data resource centers. Accelerate the construction and application of smart construction sites. Expand the coverage of smart water supply. Improve gas supply safety monitoring capabilities. Strengthen the digital construction of market supervision. Build a city basic information model. Strengthen the supervision of smart provident funds.

Seventh, eliminate major risks and hidden dangers and maintain a safe and stable development situation. Investigate the risks of housing and municipal facilities. Remediate existing house safety hazards. Promote the standardized management of fire protection design verification. Strengthen construction safety management. Investigate and punish violations of design review. Strengthen petitions and visits in the field of housing construction to maintain stability.

Eighth, give play to the leading role of party building and forge a team of five good cadres in housing and construction. Strengthen the construction of political organs and consolidate the achievements of party history learning and education. Strengthen the capacity building of cadres, and strengthen the learning and training of professional knowledge and policies and regulations. Strengthen the construction of cadres' work style, conscientiously implement the "five details" work requirements, adhere to the pursuit of excellence, fine-tune deployment work, precise problem solving, and precise responsibility implementation, and use high-quality work to promote high-quality development.

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