Build a house with building blocks! Maoming City, Guangdong Province accelerates the development of prefabricated buildings


Floors, wall panels, stairs, and balconies are all "produced" through the assembly line. All components and accessories are prefabricated in the factory and then transported to the construction site, and then assembled and formed like building blocks... In the near future, this kind of house building technology is expected to be realized in Maoming. A few days ago, the Maoming Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau held a prefabricated building observation and exchange meeting to publicize the relevant policies and techniques of prefabricated buildings and accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings. Hundreds of participants walked into the first concrete prefabricated housing project in Maoming, the Poly Olympic Sports Metropolis Project, and visited the "building block" style house.

Participants observed the construction situation on the spot.

On the same day, at the construction site of the second bid of the second phase of the Poly Olympic Sports Daduhui project, the participants listened to the introduction of the project. And go to the 2nd to 19th floors of the 2 buildings where the prefabricated process is implemented in the project to observe on the spot, and get a comprehensive understanding of the construction method of the prefabricated building and the on-site hoisting process. According to reports, as the first concrete prefabricated residential project in Maoming, the second-phase and second-standard residences of the project adopt various green and environmentally friendly construction techniques such as aluminum alloy formwork, climbing frame, full cast-in-place exterior wall, laminated floor, prefabricated stairs, ALC wall panel, floor deck and so on. It can not only reduce construction waste emissions, reduce energy consumption, but also help improve product quality.

The construction site of the Poly Olympic Sports Daduhui project.

So, what is a prefabricated building? According to industry insiders, prefabricated buildings refer to prefabricated components and accessories (such as floors, wall panels, stairs, balconies, etc.) that are prefabricated in factories, transported to the construction site, and assembled through reliable connections. It has the advantages of short construction period, low energy consumption, and low pollution. Compared with traditional construction methods, dust, garbage, noise and sewage are significantly reduced, which plays an important role in promoting new urbanization, ecological civilization construction and green development.

It is also understood that in recent years, the state, province and city have issued a series of policies to vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings in new buildings. On January 9, 2018, the Maoming Municipal Government Office issued the "Implementation Plan for the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Maoming City", which opened the prelude to the construction industry entering the era of prefabricated buildings. The relevant materials also mentioned that it is necessary to support the field of prefabricated buildings from the aspects of planning guidance, land use policy support, fiscal and taxation support, and financial support, and accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings in Maoming City. Strive to achieve the goal of prefabricated buildings accounting for more than 30% of the new construction area by the end of 2025, of which the prefabricated construction area of government-invested projects accounts for more than 50% of the work target.

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