In 2023, focusing on the central urban area of Chongqing, the industrialization of new buildings will achieve an annual output value of 200 billion


Chongqing plans to focus on the central urban area of Chongqing by 2023, the development of new building industrialization will be fully promoted, and the city's parts and components industry will achieve a basic balance between supply and demand. The scale of the industrialized decoration industry continues to grow, the intelligent and information-based industries provide effective support for intelligent construction, and the entire industrial chain of the modern construction industry is initially formed, with an annual output value of 200 billion yuan.

By 2025, a group of leading enterprises in the modern construction industry will be built, and a modern construction industry system with advanced technology, green environmental protection, and coordinated development will be formed, with an annual output value of 300 billion yuan, and gradually develop into a modern construction industry and technology highland in the west.

Adhere to the guidance of building intelligence, promote the application of intelligent technology in the whole process of building implementation, and cultivate the intelligent construction industry. Comprehensively use fiscal, financial and other policies to vigorously cultivate innovation entities, build innovation platforms, and optimize innovation ecology, so that innovation becomes the primary driving force.

According to local conditions, green development. Adhere to sub-regional advancement, combine the positioning of one district and two groups in our city, and control the pace and scale of industrial development according to the economic conditions, industrial base, resource endowment and project construction volume of different regions, and promote the adjustment and optimization of regional industrial structure. Implement the concept of green development, adhere to the coordinated development with the construction of ecological civilization, and take the road of low-carbon and circular development.

Adhere to the coordinated development of industrial bases and parks, optimize industrial layout, and develop industrial clusters with unique characteristics based on industrial foundations. Actively cultivate comprehensive leading enterprises and industrial parks, form industrial agglomeration and radiation driving effects, and cultivate and form an industrial chain with specialized division of labor and cooperation, and supporting upper and lower.

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