Shandong Province’s first underground prefabricated civil air defense garage application for the provincial demonstration project successfully passed the acceptance by the expert group


On August 25, the acceptance summary meeting of the prefabricated building demonstration project expert group was held. A group of 7 leaders and acceptance experts from the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Changqing District, Jinan City, conducted an assessment and evaluation of the Changqing Lishui Jiayuan underground civil air defense garage project manufactured and assembled by Pingan Construction Industrialization Technology Co., Ltd. As well as the R&D and application of prefabricated technology system in underground space. The meeting was presided over by Yang Bo, Section Chief of the Construction Management Section of the Changqing District Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau. Lin Dongye, Dean of the Jinan Civil Air Defense Design Institute, the Group's Construction Technology Department and the Technology Center participated in the acceptance assessment.


 After the expert group listened to the special report, the leaders of the Changqing District Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau and the acceptance experts checked the construction drawings and construction materials, as well as the acceptance report of the prefabricated construction demonstration project of the expansion project of Lishui Jiayuan underground garage. Subsequently, the expert group inspected the project site, inspected the quality and appearance of the project site and checked the construction data.


The expert leaders listened carefully to the work report, made detailed comments, and put forward valuable opinions, suggestions and higher and better goals. The expert group agreed that this demonstration project has achieved design standardization, production factoryization and construction assembly, and meets the relevant requirements of the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2018 regarding the prefabricated demonstration project. It played a leading role in the promotion and popularization of underground prefabricated buildings in our province, and they agreed to pass the acceptance.

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