"Prefabricated" construction demonstration site, the house you live in is "built" like this~



Have you heard of "fabricated buildings"? It is said that the prefabricated building is to transport the factory-made building components to the construction site for assembly and installation, and then "build" a new house for you on the site!

Today, let's walk into the construction site of the residential industrialization project in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province - Vanke Lushan, to see what is the construction method leading the future.

Design standardization + production industrialization + construction assembly

Decoration integration + management informatization + application intelligence

Vanke's residential industrialization is a scientific construction system.

Vanke's comprehensive 5+2+X industrialized construction system implements prefabricated buildings and other industrialized processes, which can not only improve building quality and construction efficiency, but also reduce labor costs and environmental pollution, and promote the development of housing industrialization.

The traditional construction method is mainly manual work on site. Due to artificial factors, a series of problems such as wall leakage, hollowing, and cracking will occur. This is a common problem in the quality of the house, and it has also become a pain point for many buyers to live in later. 

The prefabricated building is the standardized production of the core building materials of the building, which is transported to the construction site for tool assembly, and the information of all raw materials and finished products can be traced. It's like when we buy a product, with detailed material composition and manufacturer information on the packaging. The problem can be solved from the source, greatly reducing the quality of the house.

5G intelligent system installs the "strongest brain" for the construction site

Vanke's construction site uses the 5G intelligent system to install the "strongest brain" for the construction site, remote digital online management, data directly connected to the background, and can conduct random inspection of the construction site online at any time without dead ends. Through the application of 5G technology, video surveillance can cover the site. At the same time, Vanke implemented the "Skynet Action" to prevent counterfeit and shoddy materials from entering the construction site.

At the same time, Vanke has also established five evaluation mechanisms, including underground engineering, online evaluation of smart construction sites, quality, safety, and delivery evaluation. 7-25 days before the actual delivery time, 1270 items including indoor, work area, façade, roof, garden, basement, etc. will be evaluated for delivery standards, so that the quality can be tested and the owner can accept the house with peace of mind.

Provide templates for the landing of prefabricated buildings in more projects

Since Guizhou Province issued the "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Promoting Prefabricated Buildings" in 2017, Vanke Group has actively responded to the policy call, and its Guiyang project has been selected as a venue for observation of residential industrialization for many times. As a demonstration benchmark for residential industrialization, Guiyang Vanke provides a model for the implementation of prefabricated buildings for more projects.

Even in the construction phase, we can see a clean and tidy construction site. The Vanke project site will also be open regularly for owners to review. The owners can also come here to experience the contents I visited and learned today. This is the reassurance that the development of housing industrialization brings to owners and the confidence it brings to enterprises.

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