The first long-span beam-arch composite system prestressed concrete rigid frame bridge in China


At 2:18 a.m. on March 13, the Lijia Jialing River Bridge, the first long-span beam-arch composite system prestressed concrete rigid-frame bridge in the country, achieved the left-width closure. It is expected that the whole bridge will be closed in early April.

The Lijia Bridge was invested by China Construction Fifth Bureau and constructed by China Construction Tunnel Construction Co., Ltd. According to a person from the Lijia Bridge Project Department of China Construction Tunnel, the Lijia Bridge is a control project for the second horizontal line of the expressway, and it is also another river crossing channel connecting Yubei District, Shapingba District and Liangjiang New District. The bridge has a total length of 785 meters and adopts a 5-span continuous arrangement (140+245+190+130+80 meters). The maximum span is 245 meters, the two-way 8-lane design is arranged in two left and right, and the design speed is 80 km/h.

It is worth mentioning that the Lijia Bridge is a top-loaded beam-arch composite prestressed concrete rigid frame bridge. It has the three characteristics of "especially complex structural design, extremely complex construction process, and extremely complex construction environment", and the construction of the upper and lower chord beams in the bridge triangle area is the first in the industry.

It is expected that by the end of this year, after the Lijia Bridge is completed, it will be connected to Yu-Rong Expressway in the west and Yu-Yi Expressway in the east. It will decompress the Zhongliangshan Tunnel and the University Town Tunnel, divert the flow of the Gaojia Garden Bridge and the Shuangbei Bridge, and help the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. By then, it will only take more than 10 minutes for citizens to drive from the university town to the Lijia area of Liangjiang New District.

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