The construction of the comprehensive pipe gallery in the high-tech zone of Hefei City, Anhui Province has made outstanding achievements and won national awards


In the performance appraisal of the second batch of national comprehensive pipeline corridors in pilot cities in 2019, the comprehensive pipeline corridors of Hefei High-tech Zone ranked among the top and won the central financial incentive funds. A few days ago, the Anhui Provincial Department of Finance and the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department have issued the first batch of 26.04 million yuan in rewards for the comprehensive pipeline corridor national pilot project, which will be used for the construction and operation of the comprehensive pipeline corridor.

The construction of the comprehensive pipe gallery in the high-tech zone of Hefei City, Anhui Province has made outstanding achievements and won national awards

As the first batch of pilot projects for pipe corridors in Hefei, a dual demonstration project by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance, the PPP project of the first phase of the integrated pipe corridor in the high-tech zone has a total investment of 2.09 billion yuan and a total construction length of 20.29 kilometers. Including Mingzhu Avenue, Jiangjunling Road, Caihongxi Road, Jimingshan Road, Baiyanwan Road, Xiyou Road and Huolongdi Road, there are 7 integrated pipeline corridors and control centers along the road.

Since the start of the PPP project of the first phase of the integrated pipeline gallery in the high-tech zone, relevant state ministries and commissions, the Hefei municipal government, and the high-tech zone management committee have strongly supported the project's advancement work and established a long-term mechanism for supervision and regular scheduling. Departments at all levels work closely together to escort the project's rapid start, promotion and safe operation and maintenance, and has achieved better results in all aspects, it is the fastest provincial and municipal requisition and demolition, the fastest main construction, financing the fastest landing, the first comprehensive operation and maintenance period of the corridor project.

The construction of the comprehensive pipe gallery in the high-tech zone of Hefei City, Anhui Province has made outstanding achievements and won national awards

In the next step, in order to further improve the construction and operation management of the comprehensive pipeline gallery, the high-tech zone will continue to optimize the safe operation and comprehensive transformation of the comprehensive pipeline gallery. With the goal of a century-old project, establish a sound quality management system, and use BIM technology to optimize design, guide construction, and assist operation and maintenance management throughout the entire cycle. Actively cooperate with Fudan University, Tsinghua University Hefei Institute of Public Safety, and the University of Science and Technology of China Fire Laboratory to actively promote the intelligent project of the pipe gallery, create a safe, smart, and exemplary city lifeline, promote the intensive, efficient and transformational development of cities, and improve the overall carrying capacity of the city and the quality of urbanization development.

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