Pinzhai Decoration Technology completed two rounds of financing in half a year, striving to build a prefabricated interior industry platform under a low-carbon economy


Recently, Shanghai Pinzhai Decoration Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Pinzhai Decoration Technology") announced the completion of tens of millions of yuan in A+ round of financing. This round was led by Liumai Capital, and the old shareholder Yunqi Capital followed up. This is also the second round of financing obtained by Pinzhai Decoration Technology in six months.

Since its establishment in 2015, Pinzhai Decoration Technology has focused on the innovation and development of the domestic architectural decoration field, and is a leader in the domestic prefabricated interior industry. The company is committed to "using technology to make decoration simple", focusing on the creation of standardized, industrialized, and productized decoration solutions, and the establishment of a digital and platform-based service system. At present, Pinzhai Decoration Technology has five product lines: rental housing, commercial residences, chain hotels, commercial offices, and personal home decoration. It has an absolute leading market share in the prefabricated decoration of B-end commercial spaces and personal home decoration. As of October 2021, Pinzhai Decoration Technology's orders have increased by 300% to 400% year-on-year. In the hotel chain market, the company has carried out in-depth and comprehensive cooperation with customers of the top five leading hotel groups in China. In the rental housing market, it has reached strategic cooperation with more than ten large-scale real estate companies including central enterprises and state-owned enterprises. In the commercial residential market, hardcover delivery projects using Pinzhai decoration technology prefabricated interior systems have begun to land all over the country; both the home improvement and commercial office sectors are showing rapid development.

According to the national strategic deployment of "striving to achieve carbon peaks by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060", the construction industry vigorously explores the path to achieve the "dual carbon" goal. "Prefabricated" is considered to be a powerful tool to achieve building energy conservation, and prefabricated interiors, as an innovative means of renovation and renovation, have proven their effectiveness in energy conservation, material saving, and carbon reduction in actual projects. With the tenet of green, environmental protection and sustainability, the prefabricated interior solutions provided by Pinzhai Decoration Technology have fully covered the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing and Pearl River Delta regions. Founder & CEO Xiang Chong said: "Under the guidance of the ‘double carbon’ goal, the market prospects for prefabricated interiors must be broader."

Jingrui·Jiangshanyue Hardcover Residential

Gemdale 8760 Urban Elite Community·Chunxiao Store

Shanghai Fortune International Plaza Jinzuo Apartment

BTG Home Inn Golden Label Business Hotel

After the A round of financing, Pinzhai Decoration Technology accelerated its investment in the construction of digital systems, and created a prefabricated built-in digital cloud platform-Pincloud. Including the "prefabricated built-in BIM design cloud platform", the "VR empowerment platform" for full-time display of multi-channel interaction, and the "engineering delivery operation platform" for accurate connection of upstream and downstream processes. It has realized the comprehensive operation management from customer marketing, design drawing, budget quotation, manufacturing, to construction delivery, and efficiently assisted the operation of various projects across the country. The development results have been put into use in the business and achieved good results.

After the completion of this round of financing, Pinzhai Decoration Technology will accelerate the improvement and upgrade of the supply chain system, and create an efficient supply platform and service channels that radiate the national market. Continue to deepen the construction of the digital system and create a new model of assembly-type interior industry platform of "scenario × industrialization × digitalization". Use digital means to strengthen the construction of service channels, reduce service costs, and make Pinzhai Decoration Technology's products and services faster, better and more convenient to create value for customers. At the same time, the company will also provide experience and templates for technological innovation, scientific management, and green development of the building decoration industry, and help the building industry build a green construction industry chain. Improve the overall level of green, industrialization, informatization, intensification and industrialization of the industry's construction process.

Zheng Zhiliang, managing partner of SixMai Capital, said that prefabricated interiors conform to the development trend of low-carbon economy, and the high degree of standardization of products also makes it possible to digitize the design, manufacturing, and delivery of the trillion-dollar decoration industry. We are very optimistic about Pinzhai's deep cultivation of product delivery & platform systems, and firmly believe that the company's continuous accumulation in multiple scenarios can provide more customers with an economic, sustainable and beautiful experience.

Feng Yao, executive director of Yunqi Capital, said that under the dual-carbon goal and the wave of industrial digitization, the development trend of building informatization is rapid. Especially in the field of prefabricated racetracks, we have been paying attention since 18 years and believe that the Pinzhai team can rely on standardization + innovative product system, digital + intelligent delivery capabilities. Create a “scenario x industrial x digital” prefabricated interior industry platform, empower and upgrade the digital level of the industry, and contribute to a green, environmentally friendly and sustainable economy.

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