Chengdu, Sichuan: The proportion of green buildings in new urban buildings next year will not be less than 70%


From December 27th to 28th, the 10th Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee and the Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference was held. At the meeting, it was emphasized that Chengdu will take the goal of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality as the lead to promote the city's green and low-carbon development, and promote the optimization and adjustment of the four major structures of space, industry, transportation and energy.

During the group discussion, Xia Xianyi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau stated that the green and high-quality development of the construction industry and real estate industry to help adjust the structure of space, industry, transportation, and energy is the direction for the Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau to implement the strategic deployment of the plenary meeting.

Boost the adjustment of spatial structure by 2022, renovate 601 old courtyards and 72,000 households

"We will focus on the main line of urban and rural construction and accelerate the adjustment of the spatial structure", Xia Xianyi said that this is also an important measure to optimize and strengthen the core functions of central urban areas, new urban areas, and suburban new cities, to achieve the basic functions of each area nearby, high-quality balance, and core functions to develop their strengths and support each other.

In this regard, he said that Chengdu will accelerate the transformation of old courtyards in the city and explore an integrated model of renovation, governance, and service. By 2022, 601 old courtyards and 72,000 households will be renovated. In addition, small-scale gradual organic renewal will be implemented, 50 district renewals will be continuously promoted, and 30 district renewal projects will be newly launched. 20 characteristic blocks will be built, and one area of existing buildings will be upgraded in each district of the central city.

Chengdu will further improve the development efficiency of above-ground and underground space. Highlight the role of rail transit in leading urban development, strengthen TOD comprehensive development planning, planning, design and construction management, and ensure the effect of 34 TOD comprehensive development projects.

Boost industrial restructuring

The city's large-scale public building energy consumption quota standards will be introduced

How to promote the adjustment of industrial structure? Strengthening the application of scientific and technological innovation and the promotion of digital technology in the field of housing and urban-rural construction, and promoting the continuous optimization and improvement of the total volume and benefits of the construction industry and the real estate industry are important directions of the Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau.

On the one hand, the Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau will issue the "Chengdu Green Building Promotion Regulations." Further improve the implementation standards of green buildings in Chengdu, promote the large-scale development of ultra-low-energy buildings and low-carbon buildings, and ensure that the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings next year will not be less than 70%.

On the other hand, the city will also introduce energy consumption quota standards for large public buildings, complete the energy-saving renovation of 580,000 square meters of existing public buildings, and implement energy-saving renovations of residential buildings simultaneously with the renovation of old communities.

Boost traffic structure adjustment

Will strengthen the integrated development of "rail + public transport + slow travel"

How to help the traffic structure adjustment? In this regard, Xia Xianyi said that the next step is to strengthen the integrated development and efficient connection of "rail + public transportation + slow traffic", fill up the shortcomings of municipal railways, promote the intelligent upgrade of municipal infrastructure, and promote the development of green transportation.

Focusing on this field, Chengdu will vigorously promote the construction of 8 projects in the fourth phase of the construction plan and the continued construction of the S3 line of the municipal railway into a total of 215 kilometers. Implement the "Multi-level Rail Transit Planning for the Chengdu-Chongqing Region Shuangcheng Economic Circle", start the construction of the Chengmei S5 line and Chengde S11 line, and scientifically carry out the preliminary planning and design research of the S13 line from Longquan to Tianfu Airport.

Chengdu is also scientifically formulating the fifth phase of the urban rail transit construction plan, which will strengthen the functions of the rail transit network and improve the service level of the rail transit network in the central city. Expand the rail transit coverage of suburban cities and counties, and realize "full-area coverage" through the urban rail transit network and the "two-ring and nine-radio" rail transit network.

On the other hand, according to his disclosure, Chengdu will issue "Guidelines for the Integrated Design of Chengdu Metro Ground Auxiliary Facilities Scenes" and "Design Guidelines for Chengdu Rail Transit Connection Facilities." Pay attention to the effective connection between the slow-moving road system and public transportation, and comprehensively enhance the service experience of "convenience, comfort and safety" for green travel.

Boost energy structure adjustment

Promote the charging piles in the community "willing to install all the equipment, and should install all the equipment"

"We will continue to promote the application of new energy in the field of housing construction, strengthen the monitoring of building energy consumption, transform the energy structure of buildings, and make every effort to achieve energy saving and carbon reduction throughout the life cycle of construction and operation", In this regard, Chengdu will encourage the installation of charging piles for new energy vehicles with no less than 15% of new buildings and no less than 6% of existing buildings according to the number of parking spaces. Coordination will be strengthened, and the charging piles in residential communities will be "willing to install everything and everything should be installed".

In addition, the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development is studying energy transformation measures for concrete mixer trucks, and will promote the use of 1,000 new energy concrete mixer trucks in construction sites throughout the city. The "Chengdu Green Building Energy Consumption Monitoring Information System" will also be further improved. 34 new public buildings will be added for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and online monitoring of green building operations will be realized.

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