65 floors! Shenzhen's tallest prefabricated residential tower is topped



On December 24, the first tower of Anju Fenghuangyuan Project, the largest housing project for talents in Pingshan District, was topped off. The project was developed by Pingshan Talents Anju Company under the City Talents Anju Group, and the South China Company of China Construction First Bureau was responsible for the construction. The project has been listed as a major project in 2019 and 2020 by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, and it is planned to be completed and delivered in 2023.

It is understood that the Anju Phoenix Garden project is located in Kengzi Street, Pingshan District, at the junction of Qingsong West Road and Cuijing Road. The east side of the project is adjacent to the 641,000-square-meter Julong Mountain Garden, with superior landscape resources. It is close to Lvzi Avenue, Danzi Avenue and Shenhai Expressway, and can quickly lead to the central area of Pingshan and the urban area. After completion, 3627 sets of talent housing and 48,000 square meters of commercial facilities will be provided.

During the construction process, the Anju Phoenix Garden project adopted new technologies and new materials to improve its quality. In addition, it also used rapid interspersed construction technology to carry out the hardcover garden construction ahead of time, and was delivered faster than the traditional construction management mode. The management mode is more lean in construction, the model is implemented first, and the construction details are controlled, so as to create a high-quality project.

It is worth noting that the main tower of the project is 65 floors high, which is a rare super high-rise prefabricated residential project in Shenzhen and even the whole country.

Compared with traditional design and construction methods, prefabricated buildings transfer a large amount of on-site work to the factory, where the building components and accessories are processed in the factory and transported to the construction site. A building assembled and installed on-site through a reliable connection method. Due to the use of standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, information management, and intelligent applications, prefabricated buildings can significantly improve building quality, increase construction efficiency, and enhance the level of green development.

The reporter learned that as early as 2017, Shenzhen was recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as the first batch of national prefabricated building demonstration cities, and it was the first national prefabricated building demonstration city in Guangdong Province. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, 6 projects were rated as the first batch of "Prefabricated Building Evaluation Standards" example projects by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, accounting for 11.5% of the country's total. Incubated and cultivated 13 national prefabricated construction industrial bases, 29 provincial bases and 31 municipal bases, including Vanke Group. The number of national prefabricated construction industrial bases ranks second in large and medium-sized cities, accounting for 9.8% of the total industrial bases in the country.

In June 2021, Shenzhen released its 14th Five-Year Plan, which further clarified the need to improve the construction project bidding system and project construction standard system, implement "green construction" actions, and promote prefabricated buildings and green buildings.

At present, in addition to the Pingshan Anju Phoenix Garden project, Shenzhen is also building prefabricated projects related to people's livelihood, medical and health, and transportation, such as the Guangming Changzhen project, the prefabricated station of the fourth phase of the Shenzhen Metro project, and the People's Hospital of Dapeng New District.

According to relevant media reports, as of the third quarter of this year, the total scale of prefabricated buildings in Shenzhen reached 47.31 million square meters, equivalent to the floor area of 100 Ping An Financial Centers. Newly started prefabricated buildings accounted for 44.8% of the newly built building area. The annual newly-added prefabricated building area has increased by 42 times in five years compared with the 1.09 million square meters in 2016, and the planned construction target issued by the state has been completed five years ahead of schedule.

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