7 items have been reviewed! Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province Realizes Zero Breakthrough in Three-star Green Building



The reporter learned from the Nanhu District Housing and Construction Bureau that Nanhu District has made major breakthroughs in the promotion of green building development: Since the beginning of the year, in the district, 7 projects including Nanhu Luli Community (Plot No. 1), Nanhu International Club Hotel Renovation and Upgrade Project, Shanghai-Kunming Line Jiaxing Station Station and Station Building Reconstruction and Expansion Project and Reconstruction Project have successfully passed the energy-saving review permit and filled the gap of three-star green buildings in Nanhu District.

"The three-star standard for green buildings is the highest level of green building standards in the green building evaluation system. This zero breakthrough is of landmark significance in the history of green building development in Nanhu District." The relevant person in charge of the District Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau introduced, "Green buildings are not flowers, trees, etc. in the literal sense. It refers to a high-quality building that meets the requirements of saving resources, protecting the environment, and reducing pollution during the whole life cycle, providing people with healthy, applicable and efficient use of space, and maximizing the realization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. "

On the morning of December 21st, the reporter walked into Nanhu Luli Community (Plot No. 1), and under the "hard core" buildings erected from the ground, there was a delicate and unique green "core". "During the design process, the project introduced ultra-low energy consumption building technology, using three-glass two-cavity insulation and sound insulation exterior windows and 250mm thick self-insulating blocks to improve the insulation and sound insulation performance of the building's enclosure. In the construction process, prefabricated stair slabs, laminated floor slabs, formed steel bars, prefabricated pipeline inner partition walls, etc. are all directly customized and assembled into the site. Like building blocks, it reduces on-site operations and reduces construction losses." Introduced by Lin Ronghua, general manager of Jiaxing Economic Construction Construction Technology Service Co., Ltd.

At the same time, the project uses a series of high-efficiency energy-using equipment and resource recycling technologies to meet the green requirements of health, livability, low carbon, and environmental protection, so that residents can feel the green performance and improve the quality of life. Lin Ronghua continued to give an example:" Through the construction equipment environmental control system, a CO concentration monitoring device is installed in the underground garage. The main function rooms on the ground are equipped with PM2.5 and CO concentration air quality monitoring systems, intelligent start-stop automatic ventilation devices, and provide a more comfortable indoor environment with less energy consumption."

In terms of green space construction, Nanhu Luli Community (Plot No. 1) incorporates the concept of a sponge city, combining sunken green spaces and rain gardens to create community public green spaces, and using rainwater to recycle non-traditional water sources for public water. The highlight is that the project has set up green balconies in each household, which is a powerful practice for the construction industry in Nanhu District to explore the fourth generation of architecture.

Closely following the "dual carbon" goal, green buildings help the construction of "waste-free cities" and accelerate the construction of a strong base for urban emission reduction and energy conservation.

From the initial assessment and review of energy conservation for civil building projects, to the integration of renewable energy such as solar energy with buildings. From the introduction of assembly technology to build houses like building blocks, to the implementation of full decoration and delivery of new residential buildings in the main urban and core areas, in recent years, Nanhu District has taken the development of green buildings as the focus of transforming the development mode of the construction industry, promoting the green and sustainable development of the construction industry in the jurisdiction, and assisting the green transformation of the city.

The relevant person in charge of the District Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau introduced, "Since the implementation of the "Special Plan for Green Buildings in Jiaxing City (2017-2025)" in 2017, Government-invested public welfare buildings, civil buildings and large-scale public buildings newly started in the area must be designed, constructed and inspected strictly in accordance with the green building standards of one-star and above, and real estate development projects are encouraged to actively create star-rated green buildings." Since 2018, the district has had 30 green high-star (two and three-star) construction projects, including 7 three-star construction projects.

"We will take the opportunity of zero breakthrough in three-star green buildings to vigorously implement the development strategy of green buildings and building industrialization, and increase the proportion of renewable energy consumption in the construction sector. Promote prefabricated technology and complete residential decoration to make star-rated green buildings shine, benefit the people, and enhance the people's sense of happiness and sense of gain in a green and low-carbon life." The above-mentioned person in charge said.

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