In order to promote the digital transformation of the construction industry, China Academy of Building Research Institute and Huawei carry out exchanges and cooperation


On September 3, Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the China Academy of Building Research Institute, led a team to visit Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei") and inspected Huawei's Shenzhen Bantian Base and Dongguan Songshan Lake Base. He visited Huawei IOC Smart Park Showroom, Enterprise Digital Transformation Showroom, Smart Park Connectivity Lab, Ark Lab, and had an in-depth exchange with Su Baohua, President of Huawei's Smart Park Business Unit and his team on digital transformation of the construction industry, strategic cooperation direction between the two sides, and smart park construction.

In order to promote the digital transformation of the construction industry, China Academy of Building Research Institute and Huawei carry out exchanges and cooperation

Fan Shengquan, Deputy General Manager of CABR, Hu Zhenjin, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Wang Hui, President of Huawei's Large Enterprise Business Department, Wang Jiehong, CTO of Smart Park Business Department, and heads of related business departments of both parties attended the meeting.

In order to promote the digital transformation of the construction industry, China Academy of Building Research Institute and Huawei carry out exchanges and cooperation

During the meeting, Su Baohua welcomed Wang Jun and his entourage to visit, and introduced Huawei's digital transformation, smart park business, and Huawei's corporate culture and talent incentives. He said that the smart park business is a strategic choice of Huawei. Huawei introduces ICT technology (information and communication technology) into the construction industry to create warm buildings and parks with full connectivity and digitization to promote the digitalization of the construction industry. The China Academy of Building Research Institute is a national-level scientific research institute leading the technological progress of the construction industry. It has a deep foundation and industry influence in the development of construction technology and standard formulation. In the early stage, Huawei and CABR conducted a series of cooperation in the field of smart parks and achieved good results. Next, it is hoped that the two parties will achieve more extensive and in-depth cooperation at the strategic level to jointly create safe, green and smart buildings and parks.

In order to promote the digital transformation of the construction industry, China Academy of Building Research Institute and Huawei carry out exchanges and cooperation

Wang Jun said he was very happy to visit Huawei and pointed out that the current construction industry has entered a new stage of development and is moving towards high quality and intelligence. The cooperation between Huawei and CABR is a deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the traditional construction industry. It is in line with the current development trend of the construction industry. It will strongly promote the industrialization, digitalization, and intelligent upgrading of the construction industry, and promote the high-quality development of the construction industry. Huawei and CABR have the same vision for the intelligent development of the construction industry, complementary technologies, and have a broad foundation and space for cooperation. It is hoped that the two parties will be market-oriented and carry out comprehensive cooperation in strengthening the top-level design of smart parks, establishing a standard system, and leading the digital transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, drawing up a blueprint for future buildings and building a future smart park.

The two sides agreed that through this in-depth exchange, they have further deepened their understanding and expanded the field of cooperation. Next, the two sides will carry out comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation, give full play to the resources and technical advantages of both sides in the industry, and jointly promote the construction of smart parks and smart cities, help realize the digital transformation of the construction industry, and contribute to the creation of a better and wiser future life.

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