All 6000 old community renovation projects in Sichuan Province have started!


On December 17, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made a material speech at the "Special Report Meeting on the Implementation of 30 Livelihood Facts in the Province in 2021" held by the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress.

meeting venue

In the past year, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has achieved the five aspects of "building a perfect working mechanism", "comprehensively knowing the base of the renovation", "promoting project implementation with high quality and efficiency", "promoting reasonable funding sharing", and "actively promoting the addition of elevators". As of the end of November, all the 6000 old communities included in the 2021 livelihood improvement plan have all started.

Renovation of internal roads in old communities

It is reported that in the process of implementation, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department has accelerated the promotion of the addition of elevators in conjunction with the transformation of old communities in cities and towns. As of the end of November, a total of 490 million yuan of provincial special funds have been allocated to subsidize the installation of 3726 elevators, of which 150 million yuan will be allocated in 2021 and 1362 will be subsidized.

Due to the large number of old communities in the cities and towns of Sichuan Province, there are few profit points for renovation projects, and social investment willingness is not strong. In addition, the state support funds have not increased with the increase in the annual transformation plan tasks, and there is a problem of "large local supporting fund raising pressure".

Reconstruction of the old community in Sangong Street, Nanchong City

In addition, there are still problems such as the low enthusiasm of some professional business units to participate, the weak willingness of residents to contribute funds, and the insufficient addition of public service facilities.

The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that in the next step, the transformation of old communities will be promoted with the concept of urban renewal, and the work of renovating old communities and adding elevators will be the important content and starting point of urban renewal. Gradually establish a working mechanism of "problems found in urban physical examinations and urban renewal diagnosis and treatment".

On the basis of continuing to strive for central funds, make good use of various financial policies to attract social investment, strengthen the guidance of residents' capital contribution, further broaden the funding channels, and effectively solve the problem of fund-raising.

At the same time, it is necessary to continue to summarize and promote the experience and practices of pilot demonstration projects for the renovation of old communities, and urge to increase work promotion efforts to ensure high-quality and efficient project promotion.

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